Part 13- You don't like Ron?

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The next day, Harry, Ron, Hermione and i, were all on our way off on our Christmas break.

I look out of the window of the train and i watch as the snowy fields pass us by.

"Un-breakable vow? Are you sure that's what Snape said?" Ron asks Harry after he tells us all about what he over heard Draco and Snape talking about in the corridor after Draco got escorted out of the party, after he was found by Flitch gate crashing.

"Positive, why?" Harry asks Ron

"Because you can't break an un-breakable vow" Ron says

"Well aren't you a smart ass" I say as i carry on looking out of the window.

"You don't understand- oh bloody hell" Ron says as i look up from looking out the window and i see Lavender breathing on the glass of the compartment door.

I raise my eyebrow towards Ron as she walks off from drawing a love heart with L+R wrote in it out of the condensation.

Ron looks at me "Don't say anything, i'm sick of her. All she wants to do is kiss me, i think my lips are chapped" He says as he gets closer to me, showing me his lips

"Eww, i don't want to see" I say and i look up, seeing Hermione about to open the door, but then turning away after she sees what's written on it.

I look at Harry "What?" I say to him and he looks at me like i'm stupid "Alright, fine, i'll go after her" I say as i open the door and move further down the train, until i come to a stop, seeing her in a compartment by herself at the back of the train.

I open the door and i walk in, closing it behind me as i sit opposite her.

"What's wrong?" I ask her and she looks at me before she looks away and i sigh "If you don't like seeing Ron and Lavender together, i don't either" I say as i fake gag

"That's not what i don't like" She tells me and i raise an eye bow, confused

"What do you mean, i thought you liked Ron" I say and she looks at me, shocked

"Ron?! You think i like Ron?" She says


"Of cause i don't like Ron"

"Then why did you Run away crying when you saw her kiss him?" I ask her, confused and she sighs, looking out the window

"I didn't run away, because i hated seeing Ron with her, i didn't even see that, when you walked away to try to find Harry at the celebration of Ron helping the team win, i got a tap on my shoulder and it was Pansy." She says "She told me that when she was trying to talk to you about you supposedly taking her potions book, you kissed her and asked her to the Christmas party and the only reason that she said yes, was because she felt bad that you liked her" She tells me and i sit there, shocked, open mouthed

Hermione looks at me and then she puts her face on her knees that are up, because her feet are on the seat.

"No" I say as i move to sit closer in front of her. "She kissed me and then she asked me to the Christmas Party a week later" I say and she looks up, face red and tears on her cheeks.

"She did?" She asks me

"Yes, i promise, i don't like Pansy one bit sh-"

I'm cut off by a pair of lips that i have been dying to feel crash onto mine.

My hand automatically goes up, on her cheek and my arm rests on her knee.

I pull way, slowly and i look her in the eyes.

"So you don't like Ron?" I say and she laughs

"No, i like you" She says and i smile, kissing her again.

After we pull back i ask her why she ran off after seeing Lavenders heart drawn on the door and she tells me that she didn't even notice it, she was looking at me and it reminded her about last night.

I look out of the window and i realise that the train has stopped

"We had best catch up with the others" I say and she nods as she exits the compartment, me following behind, happy.

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