Chapter 3: "Figure I'll ask the trigger happy guys"

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"How much longer will this take?" Ali snapped. "At least let me drive."

"For a former drug dealer, you seem to be quite insistent to go to the police." Erik snapped. "Shut up."

"Is this the longest you've been around someone who isn't over the age of twenty?" Ali snickered.

"I had to tolerate a hyperactive teenager whose power is sonic screaming. Somehow, you have made my life hell." Erik retorted. Everyone went quiet for a few moments.

"Are you alright, Erik?" Charles asked in a crisp English accent.

"I'm fine, Charles." Erik snapped.

"Are you sure?" Charles pressed.

"Yes, I am perfectly alright, Charles!" Erik yelled.

"The speedometer says you are going at 165 miles per hour." Charles stated calmly. "I suggest going slower when we reach the CIA building."

"Aww, you guys are adorable." Ali smirked.

"Charles, please make her shut up."

"Don't you have anything that you can do?" Charles begged. "We only have half an hour left."

"There's a book in my bag."

"Excellent, read it!"

"No." Ali refused. Her face took a sad tone. "It's older than you guys and my second most prized possession."

"What's the first?" Charles asked curiously.

"This." Ali held her bracelet. "Got it as a gift from my girlfriend."

The car swerved. "Girlfriend?!"

Ali's eyes hardened. "Yes, girlfriend. I swing both ways. From the looks of it, you guys do too."

Charles and Erik began spluttering and changing colors as they tried to deny it.

"We don't-"

"I'm not-"

Erik finally regained his composure and glared. "We are not in love. It won't be an issue, but try to keep it to yourself. I don't think the CIA is quite accepting of that."

"Alright." Ali was going to smoke a cigarette, but Charles Xavier already almost exploded, and she didn't feel like finishing the job would endear her any more to Erik Lehnsherr.

When the car stopped, it was in front of a large building with a lot of agents carrying guns. Ali exited the car and looked around.

"You guys got a nice place."

"The CIA was quite nice to give us this building. We are the CIA's mutant defense division."

"Defense or offense?" Ali raised her eyebrow.

"If I remember correctly, Erik, you said the same thing to me." Charles had an evil glint in his eye. "It's like you're siblings."

"I would rather put a fork in my eye." Ali snapped.

"And I would help." Erik grumbled.

The tall girl started walking.

"Do you even know where to go?" Erik scoffed.

"I was just going to ask one of the trigger-happy guys, but I guess I could just follow you."

"Actually, I have to meet Moira. Erik, why don't you go and help Ali find the others?" Charles snickered at Erik's angry expression. Erik looked upset and changed expressions before finally looking resigned. Ali realized he had a telepathic conversation.

He and Ali walked up to the door. The guard let Erik in uneasily. He was scared of him, so this guy was powerful. Ali made a note to try not to piss him off too much.

After she got clearance to move past the gate, Erik stopped and turned to face her. "Go right and then left. Second door." He walked away stiffly. He paused, and handed her a package. "Your gum."

"Rude." Ali scoffed. She pocketed the gum, but not before putting a stick in her back pocket. She walked through the courtyard and saw a group of teenagers in the window.

"Hey you one of those freaks? You have those wings-" Ali flipped the man off and turned to face the door. She hesitantly knocked it.

"Come in." A girl's voice called. She opened the door and surveyed the people staring at her. There was a nerdy looking brunette guy with glasses and a pretty blond girl on one couch, a short Hispanic girl in a short dress and African-American guy on the other couch, a redhead sitting on an arm chair and a blonde drinking a beer in the armchair across from him.

The redhead whistled at her outfit. She rolled her eyes and flipped him off. "I really need to burn these clothes."

"I like her." The blonde girl smirked. "Who are you?"

"Ali. Ali Nichols."

A/N: Haha.. I so plan on having Erik and Ali bond. They both have anger issues and are angry with Shaw, plenty of bonding material. Please, let me know what you think! I thrive off of comments. If you like it, please vote!! Thanks!!! :)

-Lonelyhuman out

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