Chapter 17:"Oh shit, this is therapy"

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I would have posted this as one chapter, but I lose interest when the chapters are too long, and I know that you guys would to, so enjoy!! :)

A boy wearing pinstripe pajamas was carrying a baseball bat and hesitantly walking down the stairs in his house. He waited, drawing in a breath before thrusting the door open, to reveal a woman wearing a red dress sitting at the table. She was startled and physically jumped back.

"Mother, I thought you were a burglar." A crisp British accent rang through the air.

"Nothing darling, I was just getting a snack." The woman in red smiled. "Come along back to bed." The boy didn't seem too impressed. "I'll make you some hot chocolate."

"Who are you?" The boy spat. "And what have you done with my mother?" The boy began walking toward her, voices hissing in the other girl's head. "My mother has never set foot in this kitchen in her life. And she certainly never made me a hot chocolate, unless you count ordering the maid to do it." The boy laughed at his grim joke.

The girl gave up, her disguise melting away until it revealed a short girl with blue skin, which the boy rejoiced at.

"You're not scared of me?" The girl questioned.

"I always knew I couldn't be the only one." The boy held his hand out. "Charles Xavier."

The other girl tentatively shook it. "Raven."

"You don't have to steal, take whatever you want." The boy's eyes sparkled. "In fact, how would you like to stay with us? You wouldn't have to ever steal again." The girl smiled at his words.

With that, Ali could feel herself being pulled out of the memory. "Really, your parents were okay with that?" She wrinkled her nose.

"I don't think they noticed, quite frankly." Charles replied with a hint of sadness.

"Guessing mom wasn't Parent of the Year." Ali replied.

"I suppose." Charles concedes, before pulling her into another memory.

A lankier version of Charles stood at the doorway. He had a nervous look to his face as he glanced at the desk, which belonged to a man named Dr.Kurt Marko.

"What is it, Charles?" The man scoffed. Charles took a breath before gulping.

"Cain wanted to know whether-"

The man waved him off. "Cain will always be an imbecile. Just tell your mother to take care of it."

The Charles in the memory whispered. "Yes,sir." After leaving, he muttered, "If she's not too high to deal with it."

The memory shifted to a room in which Charles and Raven were playing some game. Raven evidently appeared to be winning as she wore a triumphant grin on her face. After hearing someone thundering up the stairs, both of their faces darkened. Charles grasped Raven's arm. "Raven, go. I'll handle him."


"Now, Raven. Please." Charles looked pleading. Rave turned to face the door, before silently nodding and slipping out the window. Charles turned to the door and gulped.

A sullen, angry teen stood at the door. He stared at Charles, his eyes teeming with hatred.

"Cain, I-" The younger Charles placated, but the boy held his hand up.

"Save it." Cain snarled. He marched up to him. "He beat me today. You know why?"


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