Chapter 14: "Wasted, we are wow"

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Warning ahead for underage alcohol consumption. I think I legally have to put that or something. 

"I still don't understand how you managed to get the bottles without Charles being Charles." Ali poured herself a glass of tequila. They both sat on the floor of Alex's bedroom, mixing drinks together. She looked around after letting her drink sit. Alex's room looked an awful lot like hers, except the walls had a lot of burn marks that looked suspiciously like the ones on the walls of the stronghold. Well, whatever. This was her time to get drunk, not spend her time uselessly wondering about a few burn marks. She raised the glass to her lips and drained it in one swallow.

Alex was busy mixing a soda and whiskey. "The Professor and Erik are doing whatever it is that they do, and I just tried not to think and stole the bottles." Alex took a sip from the glass. "I think they know, because when I went by their room, the Professor sounded really upset and was arguing about how that wasn't healthy or legal."

"Huh." Ali poured herself another glass. "You know, the first time I saw them, I thought they were dating. They just had that look to them."

Alex almost snorted out his drink. "Your kidding, right?" He chortled. "You know Sean thought that they were fucking? I heard that he asked Erik if it was true."

"Holy shit." Ali snickered. "No wonder Erik was pissed off."

"Still hilarious as hell." Ali drained the glass and slammed it down. "Take it easy." Alex shrugged.

"What is it with people and wanting me to take it easy?" Ali poured herself another glass. "Is it too much to ask to just drink and forget for a night?"

"You're right, sorry about that." Alex turned quiet for a few moments. They both kept drinking in silence. Ali looked over. There was no way Alex had managed to bring all of their drinking supplies in one go. There were three different bottles, a lemon and two glasses. ANd several glasses on the nightstand.

"Wait, Alex," Ali paused before drinking. "Do you do this every night?"

"No." Alex 's voice hardened.

"Really? The four or five bottles, the glasses on the table and a lemon? Really?" Ali scoffed.

"So, why do you care?" Alex snapped, his glass abandoned. He took a swig from the whiskey bottle directly. "Maybe you're not the only one who wants to forget what they do."

"Yeah, but I get high once or twice a month, Alex. Not every night." Ali was about to pour another glass, before cursing. "Fuck it." She grabbed the bottle of tequila and drank from it directly. "That's not healthy."

"Who are you to tell me what's healthy and what's not?" Alex scoffed. "I saw your wrist. You want to explain your death wish?"

"I did that when I was fourteen, Alex. Not now." Ali snapped before drinking, savoring the burn of tequila down her throat. Savoring the warming feeling, she continued. "I guess I'm not any better than you, though."

"Yeah, you've ever killed someone you knew since you were a kid?" Alex yelled, making her jump. But Ali was never the one who backed down. Alex was being a huge ass. Everyone had seriously messed up things about themselves.

"God, grow up Alex! You're not the only one who hurt people with your powers!" Ali screamed, the tequila fuelling her rage.

"Really?" Alex chuckled darkly. "What the hell do you know about it? Unless your best friend died in your arms, what the hell do you know?"

"You want to play that?" Ali scoffed. "I saw my foster mother get stabbed in the throat when I was a kid."

"My parents shunned me."

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