Chapter 13: "Ah, irony"

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"This is gonna be good." Raven snickered.

"No, this is be fucking awesome." Ali corrected. She looked at Sean and smirked at his terrified expression.

"No, I'm gonna fucking die!!" Sean was livid. He gestured to the window. The group was in Charles' study-lab room and about to test the wings theory. Hank tried to explain it, but got fed up when Alex began to start snoring two minutes in. According to his nerd-presentation, it was something about supersonic waves and angles and flight trajectories. Ali didn't know a lot of science crap like Hank and Charles, but she was pretty sure that supersonic meant that you needed the sound waves to be faster than sound waves, which doesn't really sound very intuitive.

"I assure you, Sean, you will not die today." Charles pushed him toward Hank. "We just need to adjust the straps to make sure that you will fly."

"I based the design on bird wings. They should work-"

"Hank, stop talking." Charles then pulled them to the window.

"Is it done?" A voice sounded disappointed behind Ali. She turned to find Erik.

"Just in time for the show." Raven smirked.

"Excellent." Erik smiled, which concerned Ali. She didn't mean to be offensive, but Erik looked like this clown character from those comics that her little brother would read, something about a rich dude who wore black and fought crime.

"You don't have to look like you're about to cut him open, god." Ali rolled her eyes before sticking her head out the window to get a better look. Everyone else decided to follow her and stuck their head out.

"You need the sound waves to be supersonic. Catch them at the right angle and they should carry you." Hank informed me. Ali winced. Hank was good at a lot of things, unfortunately his people skills needed a little work.

"They should carry me." Sean chuckled darkly. "That's real assuring."

"Good luck." Charles clapped him on the shoulder and left the window. Sean looked out and saw everyone looking. He gulped, and jumped.

Ali wasn't sure what exactly that sound was, but it did sound like a cross between one of the birds that hit the glass in movies, a chicken and a choked out crow. But it was fucking hilarious.

She snorted, before full on laughing, almost falling out the window. Sean huffed before picking himself up, and began limping to the main door, stopping only to flip the laughers before stumbling away.

"You seem to be enjoying this too much." Erik was still smiling. "I haven't seen you smile like that since you crushed that bug with literally all the metal outside."

"Yeah, " Alex agreed.

"I am not smiling!" Erik returned to his typical sultry glare before leaving the room.

"Good, he isn't like an imposter." Raven deadpanned.

"Ah, irony." Ali smirked.

"So, what exactly is your plan for our training session today?" Ali shrugged. "Because I don't exactly need a repeat of what happened last time."

"Yeah, neither do I, smartass." Ali rolled her eyes. "I'm the one who got injured."

"And I'm the one who's gonna break your neck if you screw up." Raven glared.

"Relax, Raven, I'm not gonna do anything." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Good, because if you do, it will be painful." Raven cracked her knuckles in an attempt to look menacing. In Ali's opinion it sort of worked.

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