Chapter 16: "This feels like yoga, Professor"

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Another double update!! Damn, I have been writing a lot. This is probably one of my most favorite moments in this entire book. You'll have to read both to understand why, but I love this!!!

"Can you please follow me to the study, please?" Ali shrugged, getting up from her seat. After mumbling a good morning to Raven, Hank and Sean, she turned to follow Charles quietly. He looked somewhat aggravated, and honestly, it made Ali feel more relaxed. She was honestly more afraid of Charles when he was nice to her, and knowing that he was pissed off was relaxing. She walked silently, focusing on the sounds that her steps made. After what seemed like aimlessly walking around for hours with no point, Charles stopped at a Victorian-esque room and opened the door, revealing a stereotypical English study, like the ones on those stupid books that cost like 2 dollars.

"So what are we doing in your lair, Professor?" Ali walked in and sat down on the bulky couch. "This feels like a more decorated version of a police investigation."

"After spending several nights wondering how exactly to train this ability, I figured we could try something small, such as just opening your defenses." Charles sat on the opposite chair. "I have a theory."

"Shoot." Ali shrugged.

"Can you try to open your mind to me?" Charles asked. Ali scooted back to the couch.

"Absolutely not." Ali scoffed. "That's like reading an extremely intimate diary."

"Can we exchange memories? One of mine for yours?" Charles placated. Ali considered this. She highly doubted that Charles had anything remotely as painful as hers, but she did think it would be sort of interesting to see what the Professor had done with his life.

"Fine. What do I do?" Ali shrugged.

"Open your mind." Charles suggested. "Relax. Think of something relaxing."

"This feels like yoga, Professor. You should've been a yoga instructor." Ali quipped. Now for a happy memory. Wow, this was going to be hard. It's when you realize that happy memories are something you have to look for that your life is absolute shit. Well, she has two really good memories. That time with Raven and last night with Alex. After some deliberation, she chose neither, focusing on her childhood.

Her mom was reading to her and her siblings from the Great Gatsby, and her siblings were bored, crossing their arms.

"Mommy, can we please read something else?" Her sister tried to turn on her puppy eyes.

"You want to ask me why we're reading this, sweetheart?" Her mother nodded at the direction her little brother was sitting at, despite being blind. He looked up, white with shock. Her mother laughed pointing to her temple. "The book isn't about a rich man who throws way too many parties, honey. It's about how he loses himself to all that superiority." Irene went on. "Gatsby loved Daisy so much that he put her in a place that she didn't deserve."

"So it's about how a sad rich guy who throws too many parties dies because he loved someone way too much?" Her sister remarked. "Good message from the author." She deadpanned.

Irene laughed, throwing her head back. "You'll understand when you're older." She kissed her forehead. "Goodnight."

Ali smiled at the memory but frowned when it pulled into something else.

"Hi, who are you, little girl?" A man stood in front of her.

"My mom says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers." Ali stood defiantly in front of the man.

"She sounds like a smart woman." The man smiled. "I'm Donald."

"Like the cartoon?" Twelve year old Ali scoffed.

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