Chapter 26: "I'm free"

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Ali began to panic. The light flitted out of her hands. Why did she think that this was a good idea? She couldn't face this guy? She needed time.. she needed to work on her abilities.

"What's the problem?" Pierce laughed mercilessly. "Cat got your tongue?" He kicked her down, and Ali was sprawled against the sand. She spat the remains out of her mouth and backed away from him quickly, pushing herself backward using her arms.

"I'm.. not scared of you." Ali feebly spat out. God, she sounded pathetic even to herself. What the hell was happening to her? She couldn't do this. She was scared, terrified of him. "Fuck off."

Ali picked herself up from the sand, and ran. She was a coward, but she honestly didn't care. She'd take being a coward over facing him. She wasn't ready.

"Not so fast, little bitch!" Pierce yelled, and tripped her, making her fall on the sand. "I'm not done." He grabbed her throat and lifted her up in the air, choking her. Oh my god, I can't breathe.

Ali tried to relax in the grasp and tried to pry his metal fingers off her throat. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

Her mind went to what Charles told her back in training. "your pulses could be your most powerful ability. Use it." I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

Ali was lying on the floor, her family home. She was twelve again, and her arm was still burning from the cuts. Her strength was slipping and it was a surprise she could even lift her arm, but she yelled, and exploded.

Snapping back from her head, Ali awoke. Pierce had dropped her, and she crashed on the sand. He was groaning, clutching his head. Taking the advantage, she kicked him and shoved him. She stopped kicking him, and dropped down to punch him. Ignoring the throbbing in her knuckles, she kept going. She saw red. Every punch was for everything he took from her. Her mom. Brother. Sister. Life. Dreams. The blind anger was enough. But, she made a mistake.

Ali missed the shot, hitting his shoulder. She heard the sickening crack in her hand, and screamed in pain. She clutched her hand painfully. Donald took the advantage and threw sand in her face, blinding her.

Donald knocked her back, and she fell on her back. His fist made contact with her jaw, and it cracked slightly. Ali shoved him, and backed away quickly. He swung again, and hit her shoulder. The metal tore through her sleeve, revealing the carving.

Ali looked down on it in horror. It was going to come back.

"Not so fast, you little bitch!" The man yelled, pounding behind her. Within a few seconds he grabbed and pinned her to the floor. "I think it's time someone taught you manners!" He plunged the knife into her side.

Ali screamed in the memory, screamed at the blood seeping into her white shirt. The man pinned her arm down and began making a series of cuts through her skin, each searing like that time she burned herself serving soup to her siblings. The pain was hot, unbearably long. Just when she accepted she was going to die, she could hear a scream.

"Leave my sister alone!!" A wave of energy burst out of her sister throwing everyone back twenty feet, except her. After, the room began rumbling and she knew what was going to happen. Running over to her siblings, she created a forcefield-

"Let's take a trip down memory lane." Pierce snarled. He drew a knife, and it gleamed in the sunlight. He swung and Ali rolled over to the side, narrowly missing the blade.

"Never again." Ali mumbled. "Never again. Never again."

"Stay still, bitch!" Pierce yelled, and this time it did make contact, slicing through her arm.

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