Chapter 68

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Belle Fawn

Everything felt surreal and I felt as if time couldn't be going any slower. I was going to say goodbye to the man I love more than I could ever love myself. The man I would have done anything for, the man I probably would have died for. Love is a strong emotion it's a strong feeling the strongest thing I've ever felt. It can tear you apart so fast you won't even see it happening.

It can take a toll on you in such a crazy, addicting way. That's why this was hard for me because my heart was simply addicted to Liam's already. It wanted him and everything that came with him. Which is why I couldn't let him go and I didn't want too. I never wanted too and he's making me.

I was going through withdrawals when I wasn't even gone yet.

I knocked on the door, waiting for a second until he opened it up, "Belle..." he breathed, his eyes wide in surprise as he looked over my appearance.

"Liam.." I responded, scanning his face that was filled with exhaustion.

My hand slipped into my back pocket before pulling out the paper and handing it over, "What's this?" he gently took it from my hands as I retreated mine as if his touch burnt.

He noticed the action and clutched the paper tighter in his grasp, "I need you to sign this for me, it basically says I worked the whole internship."

"Is that all?" he asked, I blinked multiple times to not have my eyes well up, sliding my gaze to the floor.

"No." I breathed, my eyes catching sight of his hands adorned with his usual rings all except one.

Rose ring.

"I think I'll leave the rings to you." I smiled, beginning to take them off and place them back onto his fingers.

He watched as I did so before stopping me, "Keep that one." he moved the ring with a black rose onto my finger again.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief, he wore this one all of the time.

"Yes really, you'll have a piece of me everywhere you go." he smirked which made me roll my eyes playfully before mumbling a 'thank you', "Besides I never got you a birthday gift." he wrapped his arms around me.

I begged myself not to break after the small flashblack, "I just have one more thing for you." I mumbled, turning around to go to Gracie's car.

She said nothing as I opened the passenger car door and lifted an awaiting Max into my arms. His tail was wagging ever so slightly, probably already taking notice of where we were. Plus no doubt he smelled Liam as I silently turned around with him and walked back towards where he was stood in the doorway. He was eyeing me carefully but, he was guarded, fully.

"I can't take him with me, he's sad without you.." I trailed off, "And I don't want him sad forever." he looked at Max who was now squirming in my arms profusely at the sight of him.

He was happier than he's been these past couple days, "Belle I can't, he's yours." he crossed his arms over his chest with the paper still in hand, giving me a hard look.

"He's not though." I responded, glancing to Max, "I mean he'll always be mine." That had a double meaning I'd hoped he'd catch, "But, he's been moping around ever since he's last seen you and I think it's only fair one of us gets to be with you." I smiled sadly, handing over Max as Liam subconsciously opened his arms for him.

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