Chapter 26

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Belle Fawn

"How's Sam doing?" I asked, walking alongside Nathan.

"He's great, you know I think he misses you." he replied, with a smile as my own lips formed into one.

"Oh really?" I teased, playfully pushing at his shoulder, "Are you sure it isn't someone else."

"Hey!" he claimed, nudging me back, "You're the one who's using me for my dog."

I groaned with a laugh, "When will you quit it with that." he laughed as well.

We soon had to part ways and I seen Liam walking towards me. I was for once surprised that he didn't look mad nor jealous. It honestly sort of felt bad, I know I hated when he said I flirted with Nathan. But, it also made me think about how he could possibly like me which he clearly didn't. So him not being mad about this just confirms one thing.

He really doesn't have feelings for me.


Liam Black

I had to tell myself numerous times during that meeting that they were just friends. I remember Belle told me if she couldn't hang around her friends, this wouldn't work out. And I didn't want to lose her, I just got her as my submissive. So it was incredibly hard to hold everything in and not be so damn possessive. Which is why when we got in the elevator I stayed deathly quite.

I didn't want to say something impulsive.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking." I lied and she nodded, the elevator dinging, opening up to our floor, "Since work is almost over you could go home early if you want."

"Oh, thanks." she smiled a bit and I had to tear my gaze away from it.

Once I peacefully made it to my office, I groaned, Belle was something else. I've come to realize I always want to touch her, I have to be touching her. There's no boundary in my head between pain and pleasure. I want to give her it all, no matter if it was a punishment. I just knew I wanted to give her as much pleasure as she wanted.

Just like when she wanted me to touch her, I wanted too. I had to debate with myself but, I gave in to the part of me that told me no. That's not the way I do things, a punishment is a punishment, no in betweens. She has to know that, so I have to control that impulsive side that wants to just give in.


After work I went home, completely forgetting that I was supposed to show Belle the room today. I wonder if she forgot as well since she didn't say anything either. I went upstairs, taking my clothes off and heading to the bathroom for a shower. I needed this shower, my mind was completely on overdrive since I've spanked Belle. Which she took extremely well.

I washed my hair and body, loving the hot water against my skin. Once I was finished, I decided to get out wrapping a white towel around my lower half. As I walked into my room I sat on my bed to relax a little. But, my phone then started ringing flashing with a number I know all to well making me scowl. I roughly grabbed the phone and answered it.

"What?" I harshly asked.

"Son, don't be like that." he replied, coughing a little.

"Don't call me that." I seethed, feeling the anger rise in me, "You lost the right to call me that when I was ten years old."

"You're still my son and I'm still your dad." he claimed, I scoffed.

"You are my father but, you'll never be my dad." I stated these words as I always did and hung up, throwing my phone across the room in complete anger.

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