Chapter 46

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Belle Fawn

The next day I didn't see Liam, nor did I the next day and neither the one after that. I was worried all over again which was so annoying. It was embarrassing that I cared so much even after what he did. Liam clouded my judgment and no matter how much I tried to forget him and I tried to push him out. It didn't work, it would never work because, I can't stop the way I feel about him.

No matter how I felt about Nathan, it didn't matter when I already felt so much for Liam.

So I regretfully went against my better judgement and took Gracie's car to his house. It was only when I got there did I realize what a stupid mistake I had made. I was already here though and I just couldn't bring myself to leave. My eyes bore holes into the big double doors, specifically one that was left open.

With a deep breath, I walked up to the open door and pushed it open some more, a strong scent of alcohol hitting my nose. When I looked at the floor, shatters of glass and red liquid were staining it. My first instincts told me to check the kitchen but, I was wrong. For that kitchen wasn't even recognizable anymore. The once beautiful black furnished place was destroyed, cabinets broken, counters cracked and utensils everywhere.

My heart started to pound as I worried more about Liam stupidly, "What are you doing here?" I jumped at the sound of his sudden low detached voice.

I tried to gain a grip over my emotions before turning around to lock eyes with him. His hazel orbs were narrowed and dark bags hung below them. A stubble had clearly grown in since these past couple weeks. His body was missing a t-shirt and his hair was unruly, all of this and he was still the most gorgeous man I've ever laid eyes on. It was like my words were caught in my throat as his orbs bore into mine for an answer.

After clearing my throat I finally spoke, "I-I was worried about you." I let my eyes connect to the messy floor below.

He scoffed and my eyes drifted back up to him, specifically the bottle of bourbon he was holding. I watched him take a big drink before answering.

"Worried about me?" he restated derisively, lifting his arms outwards, the liquid in the bottle making a swishing sound as he did so, "Don't you have other things to be worried about." he tilted his head, a slight humorless smile on his lips, "Like your boyfriend?"

He was clearly upset, his eyes drilling into my body tauntingly. They were dark, his hard stare fixated on me with so many things that I knew nothing of. I bit my lip out of anxiousness. Why couldn't he just for once see that even if I'm with Nathan and he cheated on me with Mads, I'm still here. I'm still here because, I care about him.

Swallowing the lump in my throat I caught his eyes as he caught mine, "Fine, sorry for worrying about you." I spit out in frustration before brushing past him out of the kitchen, only to have him follow right after me.

"No one asked you too!" he raised his voice as he replied with the same hint of frustration in his tone.

He was such an asshole, I turned around, glaring at his form, "You know what, I wish I never even said yes to this whole thing with you!" I yelled with every bit of irritation ever bubbled up by him.

He shook his head, a humorless laugh falling from his lips, "Then why the hell did you?" he shouted harshly, tossing the now empty bottle of bourbon to the side while prominent anger simmered off of him.

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