Chapter 29

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Belle Fawn

After that whole fun action with Liam, I needed to tell Nathan I couldn't hang out with him this weekend. I had made my way down to his floor with a little bit of nerves settled in already. And I pulled him aside for a talk, Liam was too busy working on his emails to even notice I had left.

"So we can't hang out?" Nathan repeated, disappointment laced in his tone.

"I'm sorry, Liam and I had plans and at the time I was thinking about going with him and I.." he cut me off by grabbing my hand again.

"It's okay beautiful." he said softly, bringing my hand to his lips to kiss it, my cheeks flushed and I felt a nervous knot in my stomach, "We could always hang out after?"

"Nathan..." I trailed off not at all knowing what to say because, a thought occurred to me.

I didn't want to lead him on, I didn't want to hurt him not at all.

"What?" he asked, caressing my hands softly.

I sighed, "I don't want to lead you on and hurt you." I voiced, eyeing his hold on my hand, his were so different from Liam's.

No rings littered his fingers that I was used to seeing already on Liam, his hands seemed to also be slightly smaller. They were still bigger than mine that's for sure, they felt so nice and his touches were so gentle and sweet, I sort of hated to admit it. Plus, I love when he called me beautiful or gorgeous. It made me feel good and boosted my confidence a bit. But, it felt wrong to let him hold my hand, Liam would freak if he seen this, I just know it.

Luckily he slowly slipped his hand from mine, "You're right but, I don't care so next week anytime you want, I do want to hang out with you." he put his hands in his pockets and looked away, "The offer will still stand."

I smiled, "Okay."


"You're spending the entire weekend with him?" she asked, appalled.

"Yes why?" I questioned back, folding my clothes I was taking with me.

"I don't know." she sighed, "You've never stayed the night with a guy and I guess I'm just worried." I looked to her with a smile.

"I'll be fine, I've been to his house before and I trust him." I explained, moving to my bathroom with her right on my trail.

I picked my toothbrush out of the holder and my hair brush from the drawer, "I know I just, I guess I'm still sort of rooting for Nathan."

"Gracie." I laughed and she did as well.

"Hey he's sweet to you and after you told me about how he doesn't want to give up, it just made me feel so sad for him." she explained, with a pout set on her lips.

I went back to my bag and put the things away, "I know but, you need to know that I'm already in this thing with Liam."

"Right, the kinky lifestyle?" she rolled her eyes, I explained it all to her after Liam dropped me off so I could pack, he said he'd be back in thirty minutes.

Gracie was more than proud of me for 'getting some' as she put it and for doing something I normally wouldn't. But, she also feels I'll be unsatisfied as I have feelings for him and he doesn't, it's just about pleasure. She believes that I'll fall for him more and end up getting hurt. Which is why she wants me to be with Nathan who's sweet and actually does like me.

"Look B, I'm all for you stepping out of your comfort zone but, you're playing a very dangerous game here." I placed my folded clothes inside my backpack as well before zipping it up, "You're going to get hurt."

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