Chapter 51

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Belle Fawn


I answered quickly but, just as quickly as I said it I doubted it, "Yes." I blurted, watching Liam's features fall, "I mean I don't know." I changed my mind, in a panic.

"Belle.." he stated, his eyes were now casted down at the floor, his eyebrows creased with thoughtfulness, "How can you even say yes?" he questioned, meeting my eyes with his orbs that were filled with pained emotion.

I started to panic again, it was hard for me to speak when he'd look at me like that, "Because, I do love him but, not nearly as much as I love you and I'm starting to realize that it's a completely diff-"

My jaw dropped open when I realized what I just confessed openly and I wanted to punch myself in the face for ranting so mindlessly. My eyes fell to the floor and my frame froze on the spot. Why did I do that, why couldn't I just say no and shut up?

Of course I meant it, I did love him and I don't think that this feeling when I'm around him is anything but, love. It was like I was simply mush at his feet being in his mere presence. No matter what he did and no matter how much he hurt me, Liam had taken my heart and I didn't want it back.

"You love me?" he voiced into the silent air, I nodded my head hesitantly.

It scared me having him know, especially when I wasn't even ready to tell him yet. My own foggy head just had to hate me though. When I looked up to meet his hazel eyes they were swimming with a look I didn't like at all. The both of us were silent for a couple seconds that felt like forever. Before he cleared his throat and I quickly interrupted him.

"Don't say anything please, can we just forget I said it for now." I pleaded, letting our eyes connect once again.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because, I didn't even mean to say it and I just.." I sighed.

"So you didn't mean it?" his question made me want to scream.

"I did." I met his eyes firmly, "But I-"

He cut me off, "How can you say you love me yet you love him too?"

Didn't he get it the first time?

"I care about Nathan a lot and it doesn't matter what I feel for him." he scoffed, breaking our eye contact by turning around slightly, which made what I was going to say next so much easier, "It doesn't matter because, I've already fallen completely in love with you Liam."

I don't think I can come back from that so he's going to have to give me something in return. Because, I never realized how scary it was to confess something as big as that. He had tensed up which was not a good sign. I know that Liam had his walls up and that lately they've been coming down but, who's to say that this confession wouldn't make him rebuild them. I've never known how scary it could be to love someone, you're basically giving them power over your heart.

"If you don't want to say anything that's okay but, I think I should go." I grabbed my clothes from the floor and quickly slipped them on while Liam stayed silent with his back still facing me.

Within a second I was dressed in my own clothes and Liam still hadn't said a word which made me so conflicted. Maybe I had said it way too early, I should have fought better to keep it in. Liam obviously doesn't love me, he probably feels for me way less than I feel for him. On top of that I had to deal with Nathan, I thought Liam and I were in the clear until now.

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