Hello :)

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Announcement Time

So I have for sure announced this on my Instagram account for my wattpad. I have also announced this on my message board. I know that though not a lot of people follow my Instagram or get the notification when I make messages. So I wanted to directly make a post about this.

I will be writing a sequel to Love & Lust <3

Now I will say that I haven't started it yet but, there are numerous ideas I have. There are numerous things I have planned. But, for now I am focusing on another book. So unfortunately until I'm finished with that one. I will not be able to write any chapters for the sequel as I don't want the stress that comes with juggling two books again.

With that being said there is no specific date that the sequel will be coming out. Which is a bummer to me just as much as you all but, I just thought you all deserved to know and have something to look forward too. And I thought everyone on Liam and Belle's journey deserved to know that maybe it's not over yet or maybe it is.

You all deserve to find out though!

So I really hope to see each and everyone of you back here for the sequel. I also have other books you all could check out in the meantime though. I love you and you all mean a lot to me thank you for being here and for everything <3


Love & Lust (CURRENTLY BEING EDITED 2024)Where stories live. Discover now