Chapter 8

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Belle Fawn

I stared down at my half eaten food that I had really lost my appetite for. I had been listening to my dad and Liam talk about business until I caught Gracie's green eyes. It was just in time as she flung a piece of peas at my forehead. I couldn't help but, laugh at the action which inevitably caused her to laugh. My mother though caught the whole thing and gave Gracie a glare from beside her.

"Gracie, you're an adult you shouldn't be playing with your food." she scolded her pointedly and Gracie as always was snapping back just as hard.

"And Belle's an adult you shouldn't still be controlling her life." she smiled like she didn't just completely tell my mother off in front of Liam.

I sat there with raised eyebrows and no movement, too in shock, "Gracie.." I trailed off not even sure what to say at this point.

"You shouldn't be talking to Linda like that in our own home Gracie." My dad grounded out with shame on his face, "Are you just going to allow your friend to speak to your mother that way Belle?" he questioned me with expectantly.

Oh god, I hated when they pulled this card it was definitely there go to. In my eyes it took two to tango. My leg was bouncing up and down out of anxiousness. And Gracie looked at me with raised eyebrows almost as if to tell me 'I told you so'. No matter what though I always ended up in the middle of them.

I coughed awkwardly, "Um, dad there always like this you know that." I muttered, eyeing my plate that I suddenly wished I didn't eat in fear it might come up.

In all honesty I was embarrassed by the whole thing. Just knowing Liam was here to witness one of the many arguments between my parents and Gracie. Was enough to make me want to again dig my grave early.

"So it's okay for her to disrespect me?" My mother questioned, leaving me in a very tight space here.

"I didn't say that I just-"

"Fuck it, I'm out." Gracie pipped up as she stood up from her seat, her chair scrapping against the wood floor. 

I finally looked up upon her voice and was met with her disappointed eyes locked with mine, "I'll see you at home."

My eyes were wide with concern now, "Gracie." I stood up as she turned around to leave.

"Belle sit, we're having dinner you'll see her at your apartment." My dad spoke calmly which made me want to tear my hair out.

Did they not see what just happened, how could they be so set in their ways? When I turned around Liam was sat with a watchful face. He didn't seem to say a word through all of that just watching, observing. If only I knew what he was thinking right now, probably how much of a golden child I am. I'd certainly hope not I'd hated that label all my life but, it's what I've come to be.

With a sigh I went back to my chair and sat back down, "See this is why I say to leave that girl alone she's nothing but, bad fortune." My mom suddenly spoke in a snobby tone, continuing to eat peacefully.

"I agree, so sorry about that Liam she can be quite disrespectful." Now it was my dad's turn to speak down on Gracie.

Liam cleared his throat, "It's no problem." hearing his voice sent butterflies in my stomach and weirdly calmed me.

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