Chapter 30

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Belle Fawn

My eyes instantly shut when I was blinded by the sunlight. I turned around in bed, burying my face in my pillow. Wait, I tiredly sat up, rubbing my eyes and looking around. My backpack was sitting by a dresser opened, my shoes were also next to it. I remembered everything from last night, I was so tired but, Liam wouldn't stop and I wanted to be good for him plus it all felt so good.

But, now I was just confused, why am I in here?

I lifted the covers, seeing new underwear on me, he probably put them on. I got up, feeling really cold so I grabbed my bag and went over to a cracked door that was luckily the bathroom. I stripped from my undergarments and turned the shower on. The hot water felt so nice against my skin, I washed my hair using some of his shampoo I found and washed my body everywhere. Before finally getting out to put on a new set of bra and panties that were white.

I brushed my teeth and my wet hair, putting on black leggings with a red crop top. My stomach growled and that was my cue. I put my stuff and clothes back in my backpack and zipped it up before leaving the room and looking around. I didn't know if he was up or not but, by the heavenly smells of food I smelt I'm guessing yes. When I made it downstairs I walked to the kitchen and he looked up catching my eyes which made my cheeks flush.

Liam was shirtless and his abs were on full display while he cooked, it was definitely a sight to see.

"Good morning." he greeted, looking back to the pan of food he was focused on.

"Morning." I replied, moving to sit at the counter while I watched him cook, "D-did you put me to bed?" I asked, he put a bowl down in front of me which was filled with strawberries.

I picked one out to eat, "Yeah, you were pretty tired." he winked at me and I looked down, picking the leaves from the strawberry off.

"Why didn't I just sleep with you?" I questioned before I could even stop myself, biting into the juicy berry.

"I don't sleep in the same bed as my submissive." he stated, I shifted my gaze up to him, masking how that made me feel.

It hurt, a lot actually I keep forgetting that that's all he sees me as. I'm just his submissive not his girlfriend, he doesn't have feelings for me. This is all just for his pleasure and mine.

"Nathan is the better option and you know it." Gracie's words drifted into my head, "You're going to get hurt."

"Right." I replied, looking down to get another strawberry.

My heart ached a bit and I hated it so I tried to focus on my strawberry. Only glancing up to him for a few seconds. He set an empty plate down in front of me before filling it with eggs, bacon and toast. He also made his plate setting it by mine and getting two glasses out, filling them with oj.

Then he sat next to me and I looked to him, "Thank you." I muttered with a small smile.

Now that I remember he had no feelings for me I wondered if last night had meant anything to him. It surely meant a lot to me.

"How did you sleep?" he asked.

"Good." I took a bite of my eggs as my hair fell in front of my face.

It was quite for a moment and my mind was betraying me by wandering off. I wondered about how many submissive's came before me, I wondered if he'd ever have real feelings for me. I wondered if just the thought of last night brings him the same excitement it does me.

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