Chapter 39

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Belle Fawn

My eyesight was filled with bright light that momentarily blinded me, making me inevitably shut my eyes. I tried to reopen them again a few seconds later, softly groaning and rolling over onto my back. My head was pounding with pain, managing to stir feelings of nausea inside of me. A couple flashbacks from the night before were hitting me as I mindlessly walked to the restroom. Once I flicked the light on, I squinted, stumbling over to the toilet.

It was only after I used the restroom, did I realize where I was. I also got a better look at myself in the mirror, my body was covered in Liam's black shirt. I looked over to the room to see my dress on the end of the bed and my shoes on the side. My heart was beating out of my chest as I remembered all of the events of us last night. Especially what he asked me after I was finished talking with Nathan.

"You like him don't you?"

My mind was in a frenzy, how did he know, if he knew everything would be ruined. Did I say something to him, to Nathan, did he overhear something? On top of that my head was already screaming in pain. I seen a tooth brush and decided to brush my teeth and fix my hair a bit before going downstairs. When I finished I finally made my way into the kitchen, my cautious orbs spotting Liam instantly on the stool at the counter.

His head snapped my way and when our eyes met my breathing hitched in my throat. He looked like he didn't sleep all night, he was wearing the same clothes as last night if I remember correctly. In his hand a glass filled with a dark beverage sat nicely. His rings were shining from the light that came through the windows. And my gaze shifted to the bottle of bourbon that sat only inches from him.

"How do you feel?" he questioned, his voice was so deep it sent butterflies straight to my stomach.

"Um." I averted my eyes remembering all of his words from last night.

"God Belle, can you get any needier?"

"My head kind of hurts but, either than that I'm fine." I stated, furrowing my eyebrows as my heart strings tugged.

I remember us kissing and how much I wanted him to touch me but, he just pushed me away. Then prior to that he told me no about picking me up. And he rejected my kiss basically telling me I had to ask to kiss him, only to take it back the next minute we were alone. He was so rude to me last night more than he ever has been. He was also going back and forth with me more, I really don't understand why.

I don't understand half the stuff he does.

"Here." I looked up to see him right in front of me with pills and water in his hand offered out to me.

"T-thanks." I mumbled, taking the pills and sipping the water before placing it down by the nearby table.

His hazel orbs met mine filled with so much intensity, it was taking my breath away, "Do you remember any of last night?" he questioned.

I looked away, "Yeah a little." I mumbled.

"Do you remember what I asked you?" I hesitantly glanced back over to him.



His fingertips grabbed at the fabric of his t shirt I was wearing. He pulled at it before fisting it all together and tugging it harder making me stumble forward. Until we were chest to chest and I gasped at the feel of his abs against me as I'd barely noticed his button up was left open. Revealing his more than appealing body. My eyes trailed up to meet his hazel orbs that were darkened and they had a stern, cold look to them.

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