Chapter 1

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Meredith Grey woke up one morning and quickly got herself ready and her 3 kids. Derek was in DC for the last time, signing some more resignation papers. Derek and Meredith were doing well, they were back on track in their relationship.

She changed the kids and fed them breakfast before quickly running out the house and getting in the car.

She got a text from Derek and smiled. "Good morning. I hope you have a great day today, I'll be home tomorrow morning. I love you so much." He sent. With the voice to text, she said; "I love you too. Have a good day." She replied and sent it.

They arrived at the hospital and got out of the car, Bailey and Ellis both attached to Merediths hip, and Zola holding Merediths free hand. "Morning Grey!" Bailey called as she saw her intern hurrying instead. "Morning!" Meredith called back.

She dropped the kids off at daycare and immediately got paged down to the pit. Meredith jogged down there and started assessing the patient, who was awake and conscious. "You have any kids?" The patient, Lou, asked. "3." Meredith replied. "I have 2. They're the lights in my life. I wanted to explore Seattle because I thought it would be fun, but I guess I was wrong." Lou said with a chuckle. Meredith laughed and opened her mouth to say something when Lou started shaking uncontrollably.

"Okay, what are we looking at?" Meredith asked her resident. "A tonic colonic seizure." Penny replied. "That's right. Let's get him on his side." Meredith ordered. They made quick work of doing so. "Warren, go get someone from neuro. Blake, get some fluids." Meredith ordered as they scurried out and an orderly came in and helped Meredith clean Lou out.

Once everyone was out, Meredith checked his chest sound and pupils. Lou was slowly started to gain consciousness again and he groaned. He started to sit up, obviously confused. "Lou, you need to lay down." Meredith softly as she placed a hand on his forearm. Lou grunted and tried to stand up. "Lou, lay down." Meredith firmly.

He did not lay, instead standing up and grabbing Meredith by the collar and slamming her against the wall numerous times. He threw her small Boyd effortlessly on top of Gurney. Meredith was barely conscious at this point, taking Multiple blows to the head.

When Lou finally collapsed after what seemed like hours, Meredith collapsed as well on her stomach. She was barely conscious still, staring blankly ahead, with just a faint ringing in her ears.

Meredith was soon found by Penny. "I need some help in here now!" She yelled as she dove down to Meredith and gently felt for a pulse.

The next few minutes for Meredith was a blur. She was on a gurney, naked except for a blanket, hands all over her, and writhing in pain. She was confined in a c collar, and she could not hear anything. Alex was above her, whispered soemtning and talking, but she couldn't hear and it scared her. She wanted Derek desperately. Maggie was holding her hand. She could barely make out Amelia in the corner. "She can't hear us." Alex announced.

"I can't get a tube in, we're gonna have to trach her." Richard announced. "No, no, no. Okay, Meredith, this is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" Jackson said as he positioned his hands on her jaw. "I'm sorry." He said softly before moving his hands and snapping her jaw. Meredith screamed in pain, tears coming to her eyes. She was in distress.

Bailey, luckily, stepped out for a moment and quickly facetime called Derek. She knew the only thing that would calm Meredith down without
Using a sedative was Derek. "Bailey, what is it?" Derek asked in concern. "It's Meredith. She was attacked by a patient, it's not good. I'm gonna show her you now, she can't hear you; but we need to her be calm, okay?" Bailey asked. "What?" Derek exclaimed in fear and shock.

Bailey brought the phone into the room, the alarms blaring indicting Merediths high heart rate. Bailey a walked over with the phone and gently put it in front of Merediths face. "It's Derek, honey. He'll be back soon." Bailey said gently, even if she couldn't hear. Meredith looked at her husbands face and instantly relaxed. Derek was coming. It was going to be okay. Meredith felt the drugs enter her system, and with those combined with seeing dereks face, she fell asleep and relaxed.

In DC, Derek was just about finishing his papers. "Thank you Mr President for this opportunity. I'm sorry to resign." Derek said as he shook his hand. "It's okay dr Shepherd. Best of luck in Seattle." He said.

Derek left the presidents office and went to his Own office to collect his stuff. He stepped out in the busy DC streets when he got a phone call. "Hello?" He asked. "Bailey, what is it?" Derek asked worriedly. "It's Meredith, she got attacked by a patient. It's not good. I'm gonna show you her now, she can't hear you, but we need to keep her calm, okay?" Bailey asked. "What?" Derek exclaimed in fear and worry.

Derek saw Merediths scared and in pain face and it broke his heart. She was already bruised and bloodied up. Derek flashed a fake, reassuring smile to her. He had no idea what was going on, but Meredith seemed to relax and fall asleep.

"Bailey, what happened?" Derek asked. "She was attacked by a patient, as I said. She's asleep now, and we're checking her out. So far it seems that her left leg is broken, as is her jaw and right arm. She suffered barotrauma from the blows, and her hearing is completely gone. She should be okay, but it's gonna be a long recovery." Bailey responded.

"I'm on my way home now. The kids?" Derek asked. He couldn't believe this was happening. "They are in daycare and I'll make sure they're all cared for. Listen Derek, I gotta go. I'll keep you updated." Bailey said as she hung up the phone.

Hey guys!! So, new book, idk if you'll guys want to read this or not, but if you do, let me know and I'll try to keep it going.

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