Chapter 15

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The next morning, Meredith and Derek got up and got ready for work. Meredith pulled on her scrub pants over her brace, and got her scrub top on before walking into the bathroom to get herself ready.

She made her way to the kitchen, where Derek was dressed and ready with the kids. "Mama!" The squealed happily. Meredith hugged Zola and Bailey, giving them both a quick kiss before lifting up Ellis, who rested her head on her mother's chest.

"Ready for work Mer?" Derek asked with a smile as he set a plate of food in front of her. "Very." Meredith replied as he kissed her softly. "Ew!" Zola screamed. Meredith and Derek pulled away and chuckled at their daughters humor.

When they arrived at work, Derek and Meredith dropped the kids off at daycare and walked down together. "Good luck today. Page me if you need me and please take it easy." Derek said softly as he kissed her. "I love you." She whispered. "I love you too." He replied with a smile as their pagers went off. 

The two of them quickly jogged (or tried to jog) down to the pit. "Patient is Zach Harvey, 34, single car accident. Probable internal bleeding and broken bones." The paramedic said as they wheeled him in. Meredith and Derek jumped into action, and got the patient situated in a room quickly. But it wasn't just any room. It was the room where Meredith was attacked, and she was brutally aware of that at the moment.

"Grey, you with us?" Bailey asked with a furrowed brow as she assessed the patient. "Yeah, I'm fine." Meredith said, snapping out of her trance as she stepped up to the patient. "Zach, I'm dr Grey. Can you hear me?" Meredith asked as she gently pressed on his abdomen.

"Where' wife? I need her." The patient asked as he wrapped his hand around her arm.

"Lou? Lou, you need to lay down." Meredith begged as he started fighting her grip. Lou grabbed her arms and threw her against the wall. "Ah!" Meredith screamed in pain and shock.

"Meredith? Meredith!" A concerned Derek yelled. "Grey, what's wrong?" Richard asked as he came up to her. "It might be a PTSD attack." Owen warned as he approached her. "Derek, I'll take over for you. Get her out of here, and don't scare her. That will make it worse." Owen said knowingly as he nudged Derek out of the way.

Derek slowly walked over to his frozen wife and stepped in front of her. "Mer? Can you hear me?" He asked quietly. Meredith locked eyes with him and nodded ever so slightly. "I'm gonna take you to an on call room, okay?" He asked. Meredith nodded and Derek tried to wrap his arms around her gently, but she pulled away frantically. "Okay, okay. I won't touch you. Can you follow me?" Derek asked softly.

Meredith nodded and followed as derek led them into an on call room. He gently helped her sit down and sat down next her. "Mer, it's just me now. You're safe, I promise. Nothings going to hurt you now, okay? You're just fine." Derek said. "Derek." Meredith whispered as tears fell and she looked down at her lap. "It's okay. I'm here. You're safe. Nobody is going to hurt won't hurt you." He said as he took her into his arms, cradling her head to his chest, her allowing it this time.

Meredith cried into his chest for awhile, taking long shuddering breaths as she tried to Breath. Derek recognized the signs of her panic attack, and reached over to grab a paper bag. "Breathe. Just breathe. I'm here, I'll keep you safe, I promise." He murmured as she grabbed the bag and began breathing into it.

After a few moments, her breathing became back to normal and she pulled away and looked at Derek. "I'm okay." She said with a sniffle. "You're okay." He repeated as he stroked her cheek lovingly.

"What happened in there?" He asked quietly. "He grabbed my arm and- and when I was....attacked.... he did the same and I don't know...I just..." Meredith struggled to explain. "It scared you?" Derek guessed. Meredith nodded. "Mer, I know your not going to like this, but I think you may have PTSD." Derek said softly.

"I....yeah." Meredith agreed. Derek was surprised that she admitted it, but happy that she did. "It's understandable after what happened." He said quickly.

A knock at the door turned them around. "You okay Grey?" Bailey asked gently. "I'm fine." She replied. Bailey scoffed and stepped in. "Grey, you have PTSD, even if you don't want to admit it." Bailey said. "I know." Meredith cut in before Bailey could continue her rant. "Dr Carr. He's an assault psychologist here at the hosptial. I'll set you up a meeting. I talked to Richard and a few others, and we agreed that you're not to work until you're cleared by him." Bailey explained.

"Okay." Meredith whispered. "Okay. I'll forward you the information soon." Bailey said as she walked out. "It'll be okay." Derek whispered as he kissed the side of her head. "I love you." He added. "I love you too." She replied.

Hey guy! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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