Chapter 11

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The next day came and Meredith couldn't have been more excited. Being cooped up in a hospital room for months was horrible.

"Derek." Meredith said softly as she shook her husband, who was sleeping soundly on her bed next to her, his arms around her. "Derek." She said louder. Derek Jolted awake and looked around sleepily.

"Good morning." He mumbled as he put his head on her chest. Meredith played with his hair and smiled. "Morning. I get to go home today." Meredith replied with a large smile. He picked his head up and kissed her softly. "You do." He agreed happily.

"I love you, but you really need to brush your teeth." Meredith replied with her nose scrunched. Derek chuckled and walked over to the bathroom.

He came back and sat down on her bed. "Excited to go home?" He asked, already knowing the obvious answer. "Uh, yeah. Can you go get Bailey?" Meredith asked anxiously. "Just wait a few minutes Mer. Rounds soon." Derek said with a soft chuckle.

"Grey, ready to go home?" Bailey asked as she walked into the room. "Do you even have to ask?" Meredith retorted with a snort. Bailey scoffed but looked at Merediths chart. "You can go home. I signed your discharge papers already. Get out of her. Remember, no walking unless you have to. Shepherd, grab a wheelchair." Bailey said.

Derek left and Bailey looked at Meredith. "You ready to go home?" She asked softly. "Yes, very." Meredith replied. "You know shepherds gonna be way overprotective and hovering?" She asked with a smirk. "I'll deal with it. I almost died. He can be hovery for a little while." Meredith said with a shrug. "Alright. Call us if you need anything Grey. Take care of yourself." Bailey said when Derek came back in.

"Ready to go?" Derek asked. Meredith nodded and got out of bed quickly. "Easy Grey." Bailey warned. Meredith rolled her eyes as she eased herself into the wheelchair.

Derek pushed her out of the room and through the halls. Meredith smiled at her friends and also looked down at the sympathetic looks on the nurses and doctors faces.

Derek helped her in to the car and they were on there way. "We're going home." Derek said softly as he grabbed her hand over the console. "We are." She said with a happy sign as she watched the cars and buildings zoom past as Derek drove.

Derek helped Meredith out of the car and inside. "Welcome home!" The kids yelled as the door opened. Amelia had hung a big banner on the wall and told the kids. "Hi guys!" Meredith exclaimed as she limped into the house. The kids gently hugged her. "Missed you mama!" They all yelled happily. Amelia left shortly after to allow the family to have their time.

"Alright, let's let mama sit down." Derek said with a laugh as he wrapped an arm around her waist. He lead her to the couch and gently helped her down and propped her leg up on the pillow. "You need anything? A sandwich or...." Derek trailed off. "I'm good Derek. I've been cooped up in a hospital room for months unable to move or hear or speak. And when that happens, you notice things. So right now, I want you to fill me in on the gossip and cuddle with my babies and husband." Meredith said with a smile.

Derek nodded and sat down on the couch beside her, taking her into his arms. The kids all climbed onto the couch, and Derek placed Ellis into Merediths arms. The baby snuggled into her mother's chest, while Zola and Bailey curled into her and dereks sides. "You read a story?" Bailey asked. "Sure bails." Meredith replied as he handed her a book.

For the rest of the day, the kids enjoyed having their mother around again. They spent hours telling her about they play dates, daycare, school, everything. And Meredith loved it. Not being able to hear gave her a new perspective on everything. Instead of being annoying with someone talking, she now cherished being able to hear them.

"Here Mer, take these. Dinner will be in 10." Derek said as he handed her pain meds. Meredith took them down with one sip and turned her attention back to her kids.

When dinner was ready, Meredith stood up slowly. Bailey, who knew his mother was hurt, stayed close in case she needed help. He was barely 3 years old and yet he was still like Derek, getting his fathers protective nature.

They sat down at the dinner table, Derek feeding Ellis and everyone eating their favorite family meal, tacos. "Happy to be home?" Derek asked with a smile. "More than anything." Meredith said with a relieved expression.

After dinner, the kids requested ice cream and a movie, so naturally, that's what they got. Derek and Meredith both scooped themselves and the kids a bowl of chocolate ice cream and sat down on the couch, watching 'Moana', which has been a recent favorite.

"I love you all so much." Meredith said softly. "We love you too." Derek replied. The rest of the night, Meredith and Derek and the kids all savored the time they have and cuddled on the couch.

Back together as a family.

Hey guys!! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you have any idea for future chapter, feel free to drop them. I think I'm going to continue this until at least when she gets back to work. Hope you all are doing well.

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