Chapter 9

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A week later, Meredith woke up with an excitement she hadn't felt in weeks. She was finally getting the wires off, and she would finally be able to talk to her kids and Derek.

"Good morning gorgeous." Derek said with a smile as he bent over and kissed her forehead gently. Derek could see how excited she was just by looking at her.

"Are you excited?" He asked as he smoothed back her hair. Meredith nodded and looked into his dreamy blue eyes. She grabbed his collar and pulled him tightly to her, wrapped her good arm around him.

Derek smiled and hugged her back gently, loving the feel of her in his arms. "I love you." He said as he kissed her softly on the head. "Love you too." She wrote happily.

"Let's get these wires off Grey, huh?" Mark Sloan asked with a grin as he walked in with Callie and the rest of Merediths doctors. Meredith eagerly. Mark got set up and took the wire cutters. "This shouldn't hurt at all." He said soothingly. Meredith grabbed a fistful of dereks shirt and pulled him closer.

Derek grabbed her hand soothingly and squeezed as Mark cut through the wires one by one. "All done. It might be a little sore to talk at first." Mark said as he moved back. "Love you." Meredith said quietly as she looked at Derek, who smiled brightly.

"I love you too." He replied as he held a cup of water to her lips, which she took gratefully. "How's it feel Grey?" Callie asked. "Sore, but good. When can I see the kids?" Meredith asked in a soft tone, her voice slightly shaky.

"I can grab them in a little bit. Alex is watching them again." Derek replied. Meredith nodded. "Page us if you need anything." Mark said softly before him and Callie left. "Feel better?" Derek asked with a chuckle. "I took talking for granted." She said with a smile. "Can I brush my teeth please?" She asked suddenly. Derek chuckled and nodded.

After he helped her up and to the bathroom to brush her teeth, Meredith insisted on sitting on the couch. Derek sat down beside her and wrapped his arms around her, Meredith sitting in his lap. "Im sorry Mer, for going to DC. I know I apologized already but I-" "Derek, stop. It's okay." Meredith cut in Softly.

"But-" he started again. "Derek Christopher Shepherd, my throat hurts, so you better not make me yell." She warned. "All that matters now is that your here and- are you going back?" She asked with a sudden sense of vulnerability. "No. I resigned right when I got here." He replied as he kissed her neck. "Are you sure?" She asked. "I'm sure. I'm good working here as an attending. I want to spend more time with you and the kids." Derek replied honestly.

Meredith nodded. "Can you get the kids?" She asked. Derek smiled when he saw Alex walk through the door with all 3 of them. "Already done." Derek said with a chuckle as the kids ran over. Alex put Ellis in dereks arms and smiled before leaving.

"Hey guys!" Meredith said happily. "You can talk again?" Zola asked, eyes wide. Bailey plopped into Merediths lap and looked up. "I missed you guys so much." She said with a smile. "Oh, mommy, we missed you too!" Zola exclaimed. "Yeah mama, we misseded you." Bailey repeated. Meredith wrapped her good arm around zola while Bailey cuddled into her chest.

At this time, Ellis was reaching for mereditj too. Derek lifted Zola up and put her on his lap with Ellis. "Love you mama." Bailey said, relaxed. "Love you mama." Zola repeated. "Lub ma!" Ellis babbled. Meredith smiled and leaned in to Derek, kissing all 3 kids and dereks cheeks softly.

From outside, Merediths doctors, Bailey, Callie, Richard, Mark, and her other friends watched the happy moment. "Grey must be relieved to have those damn wires off." Bailey said with a chuckle. "I bet she is. She handled them well though." Mark replied. "She's calm in a crisis, remember?" Alex asked with a chuckle as he came up.

"Ma, what happened?" Bailey asked innocently. Meredith looked to Derek and sighed. "Uh..." Meredith trailed off, looking back to Derek to help. "Someone accidentally hurt mama. But she's okay." He explained, hoping they'd accept that answer. "Accidentally?" Zola asked in confusion. Derek sighed. "Mama was working on a sick man. He was confused and didn't know what he did until we told him." Derek said.

"Mama got beat up?" Bailey asked in surprise, and a little concern. Meredith chuckled. "I guess you could say that bails, but I'm okay." She replied. "Good mama." He mumbled as he burrowed closer to her chest.

When the kids went home with Lexie and mark for the night, Meredith was exhausted. Zola and Bailey had babbled about random things for hours, but Meredith was actually relieved to be able to hear them. "Let's get you back into bed." Derek said softly, noticing how tired she was. He helped her up gently and walked over with her to the bed.

Derek lifted her in and pulled the covers around her before slipping in beside her.  "It feels So nice to talk again." She whispered sleepily. "I bet. Talking through a whiteboard isnt very easy, huh?" Derek asked with a laugh. "No, it definitely isn't." Meredith giggled. "I love you Mer. So much." He whispered. "I love you too." She replied sleepily.

Hey guys!! Hope you all enjoyed This chapter and if you have any suggestions feel free to drop them. Hope you all doing well!

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