Chapter 12

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Meredith woke up to little voices talking. She saw Derek was not in the bed and got up. She scoffed at the restricting leg brace and limped down the hallway and down the stairs.

"Mama!" Bailey yelled happily as he saw his mother walk downstairs. "Hi mommy." Zola said with a smile. "Good morning Mer. You should've texted you were awake, I would've helped you comedown." Derek said as he walked over to her and helped her to the couch.

Ellis squealed happily From her bouncer as Derek picked her up. He sat down next to Meredith and the kids and put the baby in her lap gently. "Hi baby." Meredith cooed. "Ma!" Ellis screamed happily. "Want some coffee?" Derek asked. "Please." Meredith replied.

"Mommy can we go to the movie theater today?" Zola asked as Derek handed Meredith a cup of coffee. "What would you want to watch Zo?" Meredith asked. "Frozen 2 just came out." Zola said. "And you want to watch that?" Derek asked. Zola nodded. Derek looked at Meredith who nodded. "Okay. Bails do you want to watch too?" Derek asked. "Yeah!" Bailey exclaimed happily.

Derek bought tickets online for everyone and then they got ready. Derek helped change the kids and get them ready, then went upstairs with Meredith. He helped her into a pair of his jeans that were the only ones that would fit over her brace, and into a sweater. "Can you put my socks on?" Meredith asked. "Sure." He replied with a smile as he grabbed her socks. "You're feet are so cold." Derek said in surprise as he slid the socks on.

Derek changed himself and then they made their way downstairs. Derek helped the kids and Meredith into the car and they were on their way. "You guys excited?" Derek asked enthusiastically as he looked in the rear view mirror. "Yeah!" They all exclaimed.

They got to the theatre and got out. Derek held Ellis while wrapping a supportive arm around Merediths waist. "Hi, 5 tickets for Frozen 2." Derek said to the front desk. The lady handed him the tickets and the family of 5 all walked in.

"Up front mama!" Bailey yelled. "Shhh." Meredith hushed with a giggle. They all took their seats, Ellis on dereks lap. "Hi my name is Christine and I'll be your server. Can I get you guys anythjng to drink or eat?" The waitress asked as she came over.

"I'll have a water please. And an apple juice for her." Derek said with a smile. "Can I have a choco milk?" Bailey asked. "Me too!" Zola yelled. "Okay, 2 chocolate milks. For you maam?" The waitress asked. "Just a water please. Thank you." Meredith said.

The movie started right when our drinks came. "Can I get you guys anything to eat?" The waitress asked. "Um, three kid chicken nugget meals and a Caesar salad." Derek said. "And I'll have a cheeseburger please." Meredith added. The lady nodded and hurried off. Zola was too attentive to even listen to the conversation around her.

"Mama, I sit with you?" Bailey asked sweetly. "Sure bails." She replied with a smile as she lifted up her little boy. Bailey snuggled on Merediths lap and watched the movie.

This was all Meredith wanted as a kid. To go to the movie theater with her family and watch it all together. She rarely got out as a kid, until she was about 14 when she started sneaking out and just leaving. Ellis was never home though, so it's not like she cared.

They got their food throughout the movie and they all ate, still watching the movie. Meredith looked at Derek, who was smiling while feeding Ellie and watching the movie.

After it ended, the kids were raving about it. "That was so good!" Zola exclaimed as they walked back out to the car. "Ya!" Bailey agreed with a grin like his fathers. Bailey may have had blonde hair and looked a lot like Meredith, but he had his fathers smile. He would totally be a heartbreaking when he grows up.

They got home around 2 and it was time for Ellis' nap time. Bailey wanted to nap today as well,  movie making him sleepy. Zola decided to play by herself in the playroom, while Derek and Meredith hung out on the couch. "How you feeling? You took your meds right?" Derek asked. "I'm good, and yes I did." Meredith replied with a smile.

"How did you like the movie Der?" Meredith asked with a giggle. "It was fantastic. Elsa is my favorite." Derek replied with a cheesy smile. "Zola's too." Meredith pointed out. "How did Ellie like her first movie at the theater?" Meredith asked. "She really like Anna. And the chicken. She loved it." Derek replied.

"They're so perfect." Meredith said. "They are." Derek agreed. "How did we get so lucky?" She asked. "Their our babies. Of course they're amazing." Derek said proudly. Meredith giggled and smiled. "I love you." He said. "I love you too." She replied.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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