Bonus Chapter - One

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Almost 6,000 words of Eamon brain. Enjoy. There were a bunch of spelling and grammar mistakes in that first chapter but tbh I just kept them going in this one for continuity sake. I did however change one tiny piece of dialogue i think mr forkle said because the original dialogue was talking about something i didn't follow through with and adding thoughts from eamon behind that woudn't make sense lmaoo 

When Nova's ability is triggered - Eamon's p.o.v

Having lunch detention was the general norm by this point, so I was barely watching where I was going as I headed in the direction. I was excited knowing that Mika landed himself a spot as well, and we were already telepathically making plans together on what we wanted to do. 

I heard it's Lady- I was cut off as I realized I had accidentally knocked a poor girl to the ground. 

Eamon? Mika's voice echoed in confusion. 

Hold on, I responded to him, glancing at the girl who was standing up from the ground, apologizing, "Whoa, sorry." 

"It's alright, I wasn't looking where I was going," I told her, and realized it was Blythe's best friend as her eyes snapped up and met mine. "Too busy talking with someone," I decided to add on, pointing to my head as she stayed silent. 

After a slight pause she responded, "It's fine," before making her way towards the direction of the cafeteria, no doubt to meet with my cousin. The two were extremely close, Nova was all Blythe talked about at our family meetings. I knew Serena and Mika barely cared, Serena rarely cared about anything whilst Mika was a free spirit who simply enjoyed chaos, but I thought Blythe's random stories as she talked with our family's were interesting at times. It slightly hurt, though, knowing that Blythe hated all of us and instead took friendship with some random girl none of us really grew up around. 

"Wait hold on," I found myself calling after her. I wanted to ask about Blythe, since Blythe never talked about me. I knew her name was Nova, I did have a photographic memory after all on top of the fact Blythe only ever talked about her, but I remembered the coined nickname and blurted out, "Poopy, right?" A smile appeared on my face as I thought of the story behind the nickname, back when I tried to rerecreate the Great Gulon Incident. While my mom had been angrier than I'd ever seen her, my dad secretly high-fived me and told me he was proud of me for trying whilst also denying he ever had a part in the original. Which was a complete lie. 

Her fists clenched and I realized I must have hit a sore spot. "It's Nova. Novena if you want to be specific," she snappily replied. 

Not wanting to look like a jerk, I recalled that her middle name was Poppy and thought, maybe I could pass it off as an accident. "No, but I heard Blythe say your middle name is Poopy and I thought that was weird." 

Her eyebrows furrowed and I couldn't tell if it was in anger or confusion. "My middle name is Poppy," she corrected, even though I already knew. There was a pause before she said in a questioning tone, "I didn't realize Blythe talks to you?"

That proved that Blythe at least talked about us, and I felt a bit hurt at the question. It meant that Blythe probably went off in this girl's ear about how much we all sucked. Sure, Serena was definitely mean despite pretending to be an angel around her parents, but I thought Mika and I were pretty okay. Suddenly, that time when I got Gulon poop on her head flashed back in my mind and I realized it definitely didn't win me any favors. This girl definitely hated me. 

I responded, "Hence the I heard Blythe say, as in I was in the room and I heard her mom ask about you and it came up." All of what I said was true, and I forced a grin on my face as I decided to give her an exit route and say, "Anyways, I've got a date with detention today so I'll be on my way." 

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