- chapter - twenty - four -

780 16 84

as previously mentioned by me in other areas, a big reason this update is so late is because my cat died and then birthday drama and then school drama and then job drama. Glad to say I'm feeling better about the cat, birthday drama has (just about, honestly it's still kinda happening months later) died down, school is officially over until i go back in january, and my boss and I have officially come up with a good schedule that isn't spending 12 hours a day 5 days a week working with a 10yr old who has been wreaking havoc. 

enjoy my friends :) this is over 4,000 words lmaooo that's a lot


"Where are you guys running to?" I immediately questioned, confused as they all took off in different directions. 

Atlas and Juno, who had been running west together, stopped and looked back at me in confusion. "We're going to find the symbol?" Atlas stated, almost as if a question. "Why are you just standing there?" 

Everyone else stopped running as well. "Yeah, we can cover more ground to find them if we split up," Marcellus yelled out from where he ran a few yards away, more north. 

"Eamon, can't you track their thoughts to pinpoint their location quicker?" I questioned him. "Wouldn't that be faster and more efficient? I thought the whole point was to work as a team and use our abilities the best we can." 

"I didn't even think about that, and I am the telepath," Eamon said, almost laughing. Everyone begrudgingly started making their way back to where we were originally standing. I noticed Leulla and the other councilors who were going to stay in the area holding back laughs as well. She did give me a little wink before turning back and commenting to them. 

We all watched Eamon closely as he tried to pinpoint the councilors' locations. "Well," he started, "they're all kind of scattered, but everyone seems to be towards the west. It's weird, there's a few people here or there and then there seems to be one group? Let's just head west to see."

"So, we had the right idea to go west is all that I'm hearing," Atlas stated, filled with pride as his hand kept in its hold with Juno. The two shared a loving look, that slightly made me uncomfortable. Was I expected to hang around them all the time once Team Valiant became established? Watching the two be so in love made we want to hurl. I slightly wondered if it was because of a lack of affection between my parents. They definitely loved each other, but they didn't necessarily show it all the time--and especially not in front of me. 

"I guess," Marcellus replied, his tone laced with a bit of embarrassment, maybe jealousy, as he had been running in the wrong direction. "So, Miss Queen-of-fire, what do you suggest we do next? As it seems like you're taking charge." Definitely jealousy. 

"I mean, it's obvious that we all go west," Ashla spoke up, rolling her eyes. 

"I like that nickname, Queen-of-fire," Eamon butt in, grinning from beside me. "My dad would be so disappointed it wasn't me who came up with it." 

"Yeah, the best you could come up with was poopy," I said, making sure my tone was light so he understood I was joking. "Well, let's head west then, guys." Eamon led us towards where he assumed everyone was, and Atlas, who I remembered was a psionipath, put up a shield around us as we moved. 

"Just in case." He winked at me when I looked at him in confusion. Juno grinned at her boyfriend and whispered something to him that was too soft for me to understand. "So, you manifested a few months ago, then?" he attempted to make conversation after she pulled away, so I automatically assumed she was encouraging him to do so. 

I appreciated the effort on both their parts, and replied, "Yeah, it was a bit of a shocker because with talentless parents, I'd assumed I would be talentless as well at the time." I avoided mentioning the fact that, technically, I have since learned one of my parents isn't talentless like previously believed. "You guys are together, right?" I knew it was obvious, but I figured it was a conversation opener. 

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