- chapter - fifteen -

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"Hey, are you free today after school?" Blythe questioned me as she walked beside me towards the lunch table a few days later.

I frowned in response. "Sorry, I already made plans today after school," I stated in an apologetic tone. "How about we meet up tomorrow?" 

"Who did you make plans with?" she asked me, confused. "Eamon?" 

I shook my head and a small blush itched its way onto my face. "Uh, no. It is with a boy though. His name is Arrowe, apparently his dad was friends with my mom back when they were younger," I explained to her, smiling slightly. We eventually reached our table, where Lyra was mysteriously missing, and sat down. "I think our parents are trying to set us up, but I don't really know." 

"Girl, do not even think of going there. It would mean having to throw out the embroidered Eava blanket I had made," she joked and I rolled my eyes in response. She laughed at her joke before adding on, seriously, "But, honestly, I say do whatever feels right. If you want to get with this boy, go for it." 

"Are you ladies talking about me?" Eamon took the seat on my left, smirking. "Because I mean, you're great and all Nova, but I feel like we just met so that would be awkward. I mean, but I'm willing to try-"

I cut off his joking before I had a heart attack, "No, we're not talking about you, idiot." 

His smirk did switch to a frown, which confused me. "Oh." He paused. "Well, who are you guys talking about then?" 

"Arrowe," Blythe supplied when I stayed quiet. "They're 'hanging out as friends' today after school." She used finger quotations around 'hanging out as friends.'

"Friends, huh?" Eamon teased. "I thought you told me you didn't like him." 

"I dont," I immediately defended before turning to Blythe. "Stop putting ideas in people's heads. Especially him." 

"What's wrong with me?" Eamon asked, faking innocence. 

Blythe snorted. "What isn't?" 

We didn't get to finish our conversation when Serena and Mika walked over, confusion filling their faces. "What are you doing over here, bud?" Mika questioned. He nodded a small ounce of acknowledgement in our direction before turning back to Eamon. 

"I thought it would be fun to sit with Blythe and her friends here," Eamon told them, a grin on his face. "Guys, meet-"

"Poopy, yeah we know you," Serena said with a small snort and I shifted awkwardly in my chair.

"It's Nova, actually," I corrected, frowning. 

"How have you been, Blythe? I feel like we never get to talk with you," Serena asked, ignoring me and looking to Blythe's direction. I quickly got more uncomfortable and had to take extra care into not going into a quick fight or flight response. Especially because I was feeling the fight one more strongly. 

Mika glared at Serena, which surprised me. "What the hell?" he questioned her, rolling his eyes. He then gave me an apologetic glance. "I didn't know your name was Nova?" 

"It's Novena, technically, but yeah... It's Nova." I told him, biting my lip. I definitely would not be inviting Eamon to sit with us again if it meant Serena dragging herself here as well. "Eamon calls me by my middle name." 

"Your middle name is Poopy?" Serena snorted. "Because that's all I've ever heard him call you." 

"Seriously what's your issue?" Eamon questioned her, his tone of voice angry. I don't think I've ever seen him angry, so this was weird. "You know very well I call her Poppy." 

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