hi i'm back yee to the haw

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- i've been moping mostly. flashback hit harder than i thought it would. but also i've made some amazing friends in the past few months and i've been spending lots of time with them in the past few weeks. after over seventeen years of being a loner i'm in a really good place and happy and i love the people i'm surrounded with 

so... when's the next chapter coming out?

- well basically i've told myself i can't update until i finish my college application and i told myself i'd finish my application by december 15th, which i didn't, so now my goal is by the twentieth i really want to update. i will no matter what be updating before 2018 finishes

how frequently do you plan to update after that? (pls don't lie this time)

- tbh i have no idea. i only have goals at this point and my goal is to update aT LEAST once a week. ik that seems easy but recently i've found that my life is pretty chaotic in a good way and i find it hard to balance wattpad with it. but i'm willing to try and honestly i think if i reread my old fanfic and then this book i should be pretty set. but also i think i should start outlines so when writers block hits i don't let myself down so much. 

guRL you still haven't sent in your college application????

- ...no and i'm stressed but it's fine. all that's left is writing my college essay which should take me ten minutes top i'm gonna be honest. 

are you going to change things in here to fit what happened in flashback?

- nope i'm going to keep this book in an ignorance bliss sorta way :) 

so no addressing what happens in flashback at all ??? 

- no but i dO have a fanfic i really want to write that goes right off of flashback. my only main problem is i wouldn't know what to do with a certain 

so are you sure you're back? like for real?

- i mean i haven't really left. i just haven't been writing. but i'm back to writing definitely. i have ideas and i'm excited to get them down and show them to y'all bc i love you guys. 

if you have any questions that weren't answered feel free to comment them below and i'll be sure to leave an answer. 

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