- chapter - twenty - five

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Extra long one because I'm literally so sorry. I've planned out the rest of the book so there's 29 chapters + an epilogue :)  also guess what? It's finally the next day!!! Nova made it!! lmao i was almost gonna just make the rest of the book last in that one day and see how long i could make those hours spread but honestly it was going for so long


The next day at school was bizarre, we weren't supposed to talk about the events from the day before until everything was announced, and even then we were only permitted to say very limited details, but everyone was suspicious due to the fact one of the most recent Team Valiant members mentioned something about them moving on and fresh blood coming in. It shouldn't be surprising, as generally the teams switched over every five years and the youngest members Ivan and Celeste were set to graduate soon. The oldest members had been out of school for almost years at that point and were ready to be established as real regents as compared to youth members. 

"I just know Eamon was asked," Blythe told me, standing near my locker where I was grabbing books. I simply hummed in reply, not looking at her. "Hmm?" She mocked. "You know something, don't you?" 

I pulled away and looking at her, rolling my eyes in the hopes I could appear annoyed rather than guilty. I sucked at keeping secrets from her, it's a miracle I was able to hide my ability for so long. "If Eamon was asked to join, do you really think he'd risk losing his spot by telling someone ahead of time?" I was bad at lying, but I figured I could avoid lying by simply telling the truth in a different light. "He'd never risk that, especially not with me." 

"Yeah, okay. Whatever you say." She snorted and moved slightly out of the way so I could close my locker. "Anyways, I talked with Arrowe last night for a few hours and I don't know, it felt weird. Like, he's your guy? Like, not like, your guy, but- Do you understand where I'm going with this?" 

I let out a laugh in reply. "Blythe, I don't care if you talk with Arrowe. I actually think it's great. With all the teasing you do about me and Eamon, you sure are getting close with Arrowe there. Something I should know about?" I nudged her side slightly, and both of us laughed as we made our way down the hallway towards Physical Education. "Ooh, okay so I'm not going to let you know exactly how, but I got a new breakthrough in my ability and it's super cool. I'll have to tell you later after I speak with my mentor about it." 

"You're being pretty loud about this," she looked at me with raised eyebrows, before looking at the people walking around us. 

"I talked with Eamon's sister yesterday and discussed the fact that I think I'm okay with letting people know about my ability. I'm getting more control, I'm getting more confidant, and I'm not so scared of accidentally summoning fire into my hands at all times like before." I grinned, feeling empowered after my previous day. "Also, as a side note, I really think you should continue talking with Arrowe." 

She blushed slightly. "You're completely okay with it, don't feel like I'm stealing him or something?" 

"What's there to steal? I'm sure he can have more than one friend." I winked, hoping she understood the message and made my way into the changing rooms, not excited for the PE day we had in store. At least I wasn't too bad at the class, but it definitely was not my strong suit. 

Once the class was over I told my friends to go ahead of me as I had left something in my locker I needed to grab before going to lunch. I was able to pass Eamon on the way, who informed me he got through the morning without receiving a lunch detention so he would be there that day. The way he explained it made me believe that he simply got away with some random prank that had not been yet discovered, and it was possible the next day would not have the same outcome. 

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