- chapter - seventeen -

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"Thanks for letting me have my friends here," I once again expressed my gratitude to my mom, probably for the fortieth time since I woke up at that day. She had always been hesitant with who I kept around, but I think the fact I was taking well to Arrowe meant that she was loosening up on the other people in my life. 

"It's no problem, sweetie. I hope you know that I really have no problems that you have friends, no matter what kind of situation you've conjured up in your head." She grinned warmly at me, but I didn't see through the deception. It was no secret my mom hated that all my friends had manifested with talents, and it was no secret she hated the Fosters more than anyone, so being best friends with Blythe was a blow. 

Instead of responding, I simply nodded and made a little "humph" sound so she knew I heard her and was listening. The only people coming were Blythe, Lyra, and Genesis. I was a bit worried about having Genesis there, as the only interactions we ever had were her making fun of me, but I trusted Lyra and her judgement. 

"How many people are coming again?" she questioned. 

"Three, as far as I know," I told her. 

"You never talk about your other friends, you've only ever mentioned Blythe." She looked at me with a little bit of confusion but oddly enough, she also looked hurt. She let out a sigh and joined me where I was sitting on my bed. "Nova, is there something your father and I have done to make you not trust us?" 

Yes, my mind screamed, thinking about all the times they've bashed people with abilities to the point that I don't feel comfortable telling her about mine. 

"No," I lie instead. 

"We like to know about your friends and your life," she further pressed. 

"Honestly, Lyra has been sitting at lunch with Blythe and I for years but we didn't really become super close with her until recently. And Genesis is Lyra's best friend, although they don't tell people at school they're friends so I wasn't aware of Genesis until even more recently," I tell her the somewhat truth, avoiding explaining about our abilities. 

My mother let out a little "humph" in response. "So, what are their abilities?" 

"Lyra doesn't have one," I immediately lie, before adding in Genesis's cover-up, "and Genesis is an Empath." 

"You've had another talentless friend this entire time and didn't tell me?" My mom's eyes widened. "I've been so worried about you feeling isolated there, surrounded by people who would make you feel different. That's why I introduced you to Arrowe." 

I bit my lip. "Yeah, me and Lyra actually have a lot more in common than you'd think." After that I thought over my next words carefully. "And, mom, I don't want to be mean when I say this, but I really don't care if I am surrounded by people who are manifesting in abilities. I'm used to it, and I know that my worth isn't affected by whether I manifest or not. I know that it means a lot to you and dad, and I know how much you guys have somewhat struggled because of this, but I also know that I, personally, have grown up in a more accepting time where the council is made up of a lot of new members who genuinely care about change and want to include us. The only person who makes me feel isolated because of everything is you." 

She stared back at me, not responding and staying silent. I had never spoken to my mother like that before, always choosing to ignore her attempted jabs at all the people who have manifested. "Nova-"

"No, mom, this is really important," I decided I wasn't done. I still had more to admit to her. "I wish that you wouldn't take eve single opportunity to attack them for things they cannot control. For all the times that you've been angrily trying to explain that it's not your fault you haven't manifested, have you ever thought to think about the fact it's also not their fault they have? It hurts when you attack all these people in my life that have really tried to take the time and accept me as I am, abilities or not. The thing is, you don't make me worried about not manifesting an ability. You make me worried if I do." 

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