- chapter - thirteen -

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"Yeah, she took everything really well," I told Eamon as he walked me towards my locker. Class would be started in a few minutes and I realized last minute I took out the wrong books and needed to go back, and he volunteered to go with me. He most likely wanted an excuse to ditch class. 

"I'm happy there's no animosity between the two of you. You have been best friends forever and I'd hate for something to come between that. I know what she means to you," Eamon replied to me, smiling. "But aside from you telling her everything, how was the sleepover? We haven't had the chance to talk all weekend." 

"It was lots of fun. She showed me some human games that your mom taught you guys, apparently. Pictionary was just as frustrating as she led it up to be." My mind flashed back to not being able to try and guess what she was drawing because while I love her, I have to admit that the girl can not draw. 

"That's why I'm always on the same team as my dad when we play it. He's an amazing artist even on a time crunch," Eamon stated, his eyes gleaming. "It gets my mom so mad every time and then he purposely does more extra things just to fluster her." 

I laughed as I thought about his parents. While before it could have been ignored, after meeting them there was no doubting the immense amount of love and care in that household. His parents truly stuck out for their children and made time for their family, making sure their children grew up with good values as well. 

Well, mostly good values. While we were now "friends" I supposed you could say, there was no ignoring that Eamon was just as over the top charismatic as his father and somewhat narcissistic. Seeing the good side of him made those traits feel more endearing, though. 

We reached my locker and I happily licked the strip which tasted very much like the fruit that grows on the tree in my backyard. It's one my parents have modeled lots of their dishes in their restaurant after. "I still can't believe I grabbed the wrong book," I told him, rolling my eyes at my earlier stupidity. "My class is on the other side of the school and I don't think I'll make it." The comment was then supported as the sound for everyone to head to class blared through the halls. I closed the locker door and gestured for him to follow along as I sped walked in the direction of my first class of the day. 

"I'm going to be just as late," he told me, smiling, "so don't worry too hard." 

"Are you even planning to go?" I questioned him, an eyebrow shooting up. 

He shrugged. "We'll have to see if I attend. If I'm not there for lunch with you it means I probably dipped and caught lunch detention."

"Why do you like lunch detention so much, anyways?" I asked him, genuinely curious. "Like, what do you get out of skipping class so much?"

"Fun," he stated simply, his smile rising into a grin. "You should try having it sometime."

"I can have just as much fun in class as I can wandering the halls aimlessly trying to avoid anyone seeing me and getting me in trouble," I told him, rolling my eyes. "Thanks for the offer though." 

"It has now become my mission. One day I'll convince you to skip with me and your little rebel inside will come out. She's been repressed for so long." He shot me a wink and then waved before turning off into the hallway leading away from the class he's supposed to go to, considering his class is closer to mine. 

"Hooligan," I muttered under my breath. While I rolled my eyes once more, I couldn't suppress the smile leaking onto my face. 

When lunchtime eventually came around, I wasn't surprised to hear from Lyra that she saw Eamon headed towards the lunch detention room on her way to our table. He was asking for the trouble earlier, though I wondered if he was planning on ditching before I gave him the idea. 

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