- chapter - one -

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I cringed as I took my book out of my locker, hoping quickly the taste in my mouth would evaporate away. I had no doubt Elwin chose the flavor for our dna strips. I hadn't visited his office since level one when I was pulling an object towards me to practice telekinesis and accidentally used too much strength and smacked myself in the face, resulting in a quick trip to make sure I was alright. Still, it felt like a personal attack as I slammed the door closed. 

"Hey Nova!" I turned around and grinned at Blythe, my best friend since I started at Foxfire. I was surprised when she first talked to me, her parents were famous in the Elvin world. Well, at least her dad. Tam Song was one of the closest childhood friends to Sophie Foster, who was basically a legend to the rest of us. I personally thought she was over hyped and married a narcissist, but to each their own. Of course, I was being biased because no perfect couple, as they are described, could spawn such an evil creation as Eamon Foster. He was, so far, the youngest of the Foster-Sencen clan. There has been rumors Sophie is pregnant for the fourth time, though. Also I didn't care much for the face Sophie Foster, to public knowledge, had over three abilities when my parents couldn't even get one. 

Each of the Foster children are unique in their own way, just as their mother. Leulla Foster, the oldest, was the youngest member to be placed on the council in history, taking over the spot Councilor Bronte had ruled over for most likely eons. She was voted in almost too quickly, being seen as the perfect choice since she was one of the few people who had manifested in inflicting, which Councilor Bronte was known for. It was also pointed out that, just like her mother, she was constantly wearing gloves. Everyone assumed that she and Sophie had manifested in abilities dedicated to enhancing others, but nothing was confirmed. I had nothing against Councilor Leulla, she was actually quite nice to me in the one exchange we've had when she visited my parent's restaurant. She was also working to improve the lives of talentless, and making them feel more important to society, which earned a high bonus from me. 

Ivan Foster, the middle child as well as their first son, wasn't really in the spotlight as much. He was currently peacefully spending his time in the Silver Towers, and people went back and forth on debating whether he was single or not. It was obvious he had the hots for Biana and Dex Dizznee's oldest daughter, Celeste, it's just the entire universe was waiting for him to make a move. Ivan had manifested after his father, becoming an empath. Not only that, but he also turned out to be a polygot. He wasn't narcissistic, but he wasn't exactly humble either. 

Now Eamon Foster was another story. Not only was he a narcissis, but like his father before him he was a complete prankster. When I was a level one he attempted to recreate the Great Gulon Incident, except failed and the only thing that happened was I had Gulon poop all over me and he got three weeks detention. I hadn't like him since, and to the rest of Foxfire I was known as "Ploopy" a nickname the man himself coined. Not that he had spoken to me since the one day I got detention and saw him there. He only associated with those he saw worthy, mostly the children of his mom's friends or other important Elvin icons. It also didn't help that he had manifested in telepathy at the young age of nine years old, and so far had been as great if not better at telepathy as his mother. He was also a polygot like his mother and brother. 

They walked around the school as if they actually meant something, despite the fact they did nothing but try and pretend they inherited their parent's legacy by simply being born, and most of the school ate it up. I was lucky to find Blythe, who agreed that they took it too far. I felt bad for her because of the fact she was forced to spend time with them out of school. 

Her parents had always been nice to me, but I could practically feel them disapproving the fact that their daughter wasn't best friends with the popular group like everyone else. 

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