Wake Me Up

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A/N: Please excuse the flip flopping between POV's it was nessisary :)

Ch. 9


Ugh, it feels like I’ve been sleeping on a rock. My neck is killing me. Decisions decisions... do I wake up, or do I enjoy five more minutes of sleep? Evidently, fate was not on my side, for the clamor of voices kept me from drifting back into blissful slumber.

Waking up to cold, dirty, and rank hay was certainly a surprise. Eyes wide, I jolted up, startled by my new surroundings. I had been snoozing on a patch of dry, bristly hay. That was new. I appeared to be in a stable of some sort. I could hear the whining of  horses, and the ruckus of stomping hooves. Let’s just say, the smell was exactly what a corral full of horses would smell like. eugh. I could see light peeking out through the crack in the entrance. Deciding to investigate, I could hear people talking. Maybe they knew where I was. I opened the door to be bombarded with light. Adjusting, a village bustled in front of me. Stands selling an array of mysterious fruits, horse-drawn carriages parading down the dusty dirt road. I racked my brain, trying to remember what I had been doing.

I was walking somewhere – something about tea – and a clock.


Ed. Paradox. Solstice. It all came back to me. I was in the...the thingy! I wonder where everyone else was, and if they’re alright. I peered down and became aware of my apparel. I was sporting a quite dirty blue (or what used to be blue) work dress. On my feet were black riding boots a few sizes too big, covered with mud...or at least I hope it’s mud. My hair was pulled into a side braid, in attempt to keep my matted locks out of my face. I’ve had better fashion days.

I looked out a bit farther and I saw a lake that almost glittered it was so clear. Seeing the beautiful water, I realized how parched I was. Suppose that’s what I get for sleeping on hay. I approached the mystical lake, eager for I drink. Bending down to scoop my hands into the cool liquid, I noticed something red swimming towards the surface. The closer it came to breaking the water’s exterior, the more I realized how familiar it looked. I couldn’t fit together the pieces as to why. That was until of course the mysterious figure emerged from beneath the distorted view of the water. I couldn’t believe my eyes.



“What are you doing at the bottom of this lake Nicole?”

“I was just thinking the same thing,” she scoffed. Nicole turned in the water to reveal her sparkly green...tail.


“Apparently! I don’t even know how the fuck I got here! The last thing I remember is heading off to swim practice before *poof* all this cray cray shit!” She motioned with her hands wildly to portray this new ‘land’.

“Heh...about this...” I tried my best to explain with this was. How a select few of us were sent here. I also consoled that we go back home every two days. However, when we come back here is uncertain.

She took this all better than I had hoped. I suppose that comes with finding out your legs have been replaced by fins.

“Hmm... I suppose I have no choice but to believe you. I am beginning to question everything I thought was fantasy.”

“Haha me to girl. Hey! Since your a mermaid and you have red hair, you look just like Ariel! Do you need a dinglehopper?” I teased.

I really should have expected that slap in the face; by her tail. Damn that thing has quite a lot of momentum.

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