Explanations and Confusions

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After Lou and Margaux finished and payed for their scones, we decided to take a little stroll along the streets and do a bit of window shopping.

We were talking and laughing. Margaux was tripping over air, it was the norm for us. The streets were unusually quiet for the afternoon, but Louis didn’t pay much mind to it so I guess it was alright. I looked over to him, and he smiled at me. Even now, after knowing him for so long, he still gave me butterflies. I cursed at my blush, but he just chuckled and took hold of my hand. He started swinging our arms and dragged me ahead, skipping. He was a peculiar guy, I suppose thats why I liked him so much.

I noticed Margaux stop dead in her tracks in front of a vintage-looking bookstore.

“HEY! HEY YOU! COME BACK HERE!” she yelped and ran into the shop.

Lou and I exchanged confused looks and followed her inside. We looked around trying to find where she had scampered off to. Seriously, sometimes I believed if we weren’t here to chaperone her, she would get into mountains of trouble. We turned into one of the many isles. There were books, upon books, upon even MORE books! Some looked to be hundreds of years old.

“Haz! Over here. Your not gonna believe this!”

Louis beckoned me to where he was standing. What could be so shock- oh...

I looked down to see that tiny little Margaux had pinned down some guy. I couldn’t see his face quite yet.

“MARGAUX HEEL, PESANT!” Lou ordered.

I pulled her off of the poor lad. I got a chance to look at his face.



It was Ed.

“Hello again Harry, Louis...Margaux,” he said with an apprehensive expression.

“Um...Hello again. This doesn’t seem to be such a coincidence as it was before,” Lou stated.

“I’m afraid your right. I need to warn you of the summer solstice,” Ed whispered.

“Summer solstice? Zayn said something about that. What does it mean?”

“Yes, your friend Zayn, has started to involuntarily transition into the paradox. It’s a lot easier to explain if I just show you. That is why I brought you here,” he motioned with his hands for us to follow him.

“Woah hold up there!” Margaux exclaimed, “What the hell do you mean by ‘paradox’? Plus, you didn’t bring us here, I ran in here myself!”

“Well if you haven’t noticed Little Bird, everything seems to be happening for a reason. I do have some tricks up my sleeve. It’ll be better explained once I show you” he remarked.

Margaux gave a huff of surrender, and we followed him to one of the many bookcases. He climbed a ladder to remove a dusty, leather-bound, book from the shelf. He then set it down on a desk in front of us.

We slowly opened the book with caution. What we saw was a language we had never seen before with illustrations of some sort.

Ed began to explain what the book said:

“ In the book it explains that by the time of the summer solstice, a group of people, interconnected through fates, will be transported to a paradox where fantastic imagination becomes reality. Through a sort of “fairy-tale” their story will begin. The warlock, with his premonitions, shall unintentionally take notice of this occurrence before it begins. That is why your friend, Zayn, has been acting strange lately. These people will stay in the paradox for as long as it takes for the fable to conclude. Although, every forty-eight-hour period, they shall be temporarily released from the enigma, only to be delivered back soon after. Reality shall not be affected by their absence, it will in a way “freeze” until they are released from the paradox. It will stop once more after they are readmitted to the enigma. I will only be able to help you when you need it most. Unfortunately, I do not know who else will be in this paradox with you, or what your rolls in the tale will be. Only time will tell. I do not wish to overwhelm you, but please do not take this forewarning lightly. I mean all that I say, for I am an honest man.”

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