Poems (:

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Dedicating this book of poems to the people/things who/that have inspired me to write them:

Mom- She use to write poetry and letters. When she told me she wrote poems it kind of peeked my interest.

@Sarah4Eva- One of my best buds. She writes poems and she encouraged me to write them. I wasn't entirely sure if I should or not, but she convinced me to even though I persistently told her I was going to suck at it.  Love ya girlie. (:

God- He's there for me all the time. Why wouldn't I want to write about Him? He's everything my world revolves around. He's been there for me through thick and thin and honestly I wouldn't be able to of gotten through half the stuff I write about without Him.

Creation/Nature- It's beautiful, right? Some of the simplest things like a waterfall or even the leaves gliding off a tree in the Fall make some of the best poetry.


Poetry isn't just words put together in a certain rhythm or a smooth way; it's the act of putting yourself and emotions into your writing. It's laying back in the middle of a field and staring up at a cloud and finding all the details that make it unique. It's star gazing and asking yourself questions that could never be answered. It's wondering, it's questions, it's emotions, it's senses, it's poetry.. and every single poem has a trace of yourself in it.

My goal in my poems is to make people think and believe. Think deeper than what everything seems. Look deeper. Don't just read the cover, read the book. Find out what it has to offer, and hopefully you'll find something relatable that helps encourage you or atleast let you know you're not alone.(:

Life really isn't all that it seems. x

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