Was It Not Enough?

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  • Dedicated to the broken-hearted

Was it not enough?

To see that distant look in my eyes.

To see how scared I was.

To see how I had closed myself off.

Was it not enough?

To see how confused I was.

To see how angry I was.

To see how pessimistic I was.

Was it not enough?

To hear the empty words I spoke.

To hear the silent cries I let slip from my lips.

To hear the screams in my pillow.

Was it not enough?

To feel what you did to me.

To feel how lifeless I was.

To feel what you'd done to me.

Was it not enough?

The lies you spit.

The touches you abused.

The hearing you misused.

Was it not enough?

To steal my heart.

To steal my hope.

To steal my love.

Was it not enough?

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