im Emily Prentiss

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Walking out of the party with my hands behind my back i'm just hoping Hotch notices and comes to the scene. She pushed me forward when i stopped to look for him, she seemed to be smirking once she pushed me, which is what i saw when i looked back at her.

She shoved me in the back of a black SUV and slammed the door in my face. The woman in the annoyingly hot red dress turned and walked away and i did not waste time to try and talk to Hotch.

"Hotch!! Can you hear me?" i whisper with my shoulder up against my ear, trying to press the earpiece.

"Y/N what is going on?" Hotch said confused, he heard everything the woman would have said to me so why he was asking what was going on was a relatively stupid question.

"Hotch, that agent i told you about just handcuffed me and put me in the back of their car, she saw my knife, which i believed triggered it," i whispered again hopefully i didn't look too weird crouched down in the car trying to speak to my superior.

"you were arrested? did you tell them you were an agent?" he asked stupidly.

"of course i did, she didn't believe me and now i'm locked in a FUCKING SUV!" i may have gotten louder whilst speaking to Hotch, i was annoyed due to the fact that my cover was not only blown and the fact that i was just handcuffed and shoved in the back of a car.

i was now slightly confused as i no longer heard Hotch through the earpiece, i looked out the window and there he was, storming down to the group of officer, agents, i don't know what they are but he definitely stormed over to them alright.

i didnt catch what they were saying but he seemed to be relatively calm but then somewhat angry whilst she just stood there looking at me.

i smirked at her whilst still sitting helpless in the car, she continued to look at me, rolled her eyes and bite her lip.

she then looked back at Hotch who started throwing his hands about. a good 5 minutes go by and i now see him walking to the car. he opens the door quite and contently, Hotch then reached for my arm and help me back onto my feet.

i stood up out of the car just as she walked up to me, i turned now facing my back to her.

"if you please.." i said indicating to my handcuffs, she huffs then slowly unlocks and takes them off of my wrists.

i turn back around to face her and Hotch and rub my wrist because the handcuffs were a little too tight, but she knew that and smirked when she saw me rubbing them.

"well your a fun one!" i say sarcastically as i hold onto the car and take my heals off, feeling the now wet concrete as it had begun to rain 10 minutes ago.

i looked at her again as she stood there just staring at me as though it was just me there. no one else, as Hotch walked away back to the FBI van.

"we should do this again sometime, give me your email i will message you the next time i'm undercover in a case that cant be blown!" i said as i started to stride away, each word i said getting louder as i got further from her.

"look i'm really sorry, i'm Agent Emily Prentiss." she yelled as the rain was now chucking it down, both of us whom were now in soaking wet dresses and me with no shoes. As she said that she walked towards me with her hand out hoping i would turn around and properly introduce yourself. however you kept walking...

"and i'm not interested," i said, putting your middle finger up above my shoulder still not looking back.

*ok so i will write maybe another 1 or 2 more parts tonight..if you read this i hope you like it so far and please leave comments as to what bits you like*

SHOTS FIRED!                             Emily Prentiss X ReaderKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat