she's all i think about

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It was two days after the case, i felt like i was stepping away from reality in the little time i had off, however now there was a case and i had to be in.

i walked through the glass doors of the BAU and paced over to my desk, i did this every morning so it wasn't unusual and it didn't need this much observation and due to the fact that everyone was watching me, it clearly did.

i stopped and turned around, trying to look at everyone who was staring back at me, they quickly continued with their jobs however i was still confused as to why they were so insistent on watching my every move.

i made my way to Hotch's office where he was talking with Rossi, i knocked and then was allowed in.

"i will be in the briefing room in two minutes" Hotch stated, he must've assumed i was wondering when he was joining us, however that was not the reason i made my way into his office so early this morning.

"actually i was wondering why everyone was looking at me, i was hoping you would know something otherwise i will keep assuming everyone envies me, which will only make my ego bigger!" i said jokingly, Rossi and Hotch laughed and then Dave opened his mouth to speak.

"they just didn't expect you to be back so soon that's all" He said, his smile forming back into his normal resting face.

i then turned to Hotch who nodded in reassurance, i also nodded and head out the door and towards the briefing room, which i assumed i had to be in.

i stood at the doorway facing all my co-workers who were standing around the table.

Morgan was the first to see me so i walked over to him and he then gave me hug, this wasn't what he usually did but considering the latest occurrence he wanted to make sure i was ok.

i was ok, i think. my head was in a lot of different places, i was still constantly thinking about the kiss between me and Emily or how i nearly got myself killed. i had spent the last two days going over and over the events.

Derek let go of me just as Hotch was walking in with Rossi and Penelope behind him. Penny handed out the case files as the other two sat down around the circular table, we all followed them and sat down at the open seats.

i sat next to Morgan and Emily took a seat next to me, which was the last thing i needed, her near me, i longed for her and the closer she got the harder it was to even think, to breathe.

"right you work-a-holics, this case is, well. look for yourself." Garcia said as she got the victims up on the board. the men had been killed and they were all missing their left arm and right leg.

"do you think he's selling the leg and arms?" Reid asked as we all looked up from our case files to face him as he questioned the meaning of decapitating the limbs.

"some people get off on certain parts of the body." i stated, i was disgusted at the fact people get off on dead body parts but it shouldn't be surprising to me really.


after getting briefed on the details of the case we headed to the jet and was on our way to Texas where the bodies had been found.

we all made our way onto the jet. i sat down in a single seater whereas the rest of the team sat around a table.

after discussing the case again we still had 40 minutes left of the journey so i turned myself away from the team and peered out of the window.

SHOTS FIRED!                             Emily Prentiss X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now