and we craved each-other

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i had been home only 10 minutes, i felt my shoulders ease and my breathe steadied until i heard a slow knock on my door. i got down from my kitchen side, where i had been sitting contemplating my entire existence.

i shuffled my feet towards the door and unlocked it, steadily opening it and peering round to see who it was at this time of night. i looked towards the person on the other side of my door and eventually opening it fully when realising who it was.

the woman who was in my every thought, the one who made me feel flustered and complete when near her, the woman who made me re-think my entire life because of the things she makes me feel. Emily

i stared at her, confused as to why she was outside my apartment at 11:40 at night. all she did was glance back at me, she wanted to talk and you could see she was trying, trying so hard but words were not coming out.

"look, Y/N, there's a lot of things i want to say and i am still not sure how to even word it but i just need to know if you really hate me or are just trying to play with me because i cant, for the love of god, think of a reason as to why you would go through all this trouble to avoid me." i stood there in shock, she seemed so stressed and hurt and i didn't like putting her through all of this, it wasn't fair.

i wasn't being fair to her, it was my fault she felt like this but i couldn't tell her what she needed to hear, i- it wouldn't be fair to either of us.

"so please- tell me if you hate me so i can get you out of my head, because your killing me Y/N, killing me and i can't hold on any longer with whatever it is that is going on between us, if there even is something going on between us" Emily rambled on and i clung to every word.

was there something between me and Emily? that question had spun around my head a million time already. i didn't know, i didn't know what to do, i don't even know how to think when she's around. its too hard, she occupies my every thought.

"Emily-" i started but she cut me off.

"no. don't Emily me, this isn't fair Y/N, not to me, not to you." she started, she stopped and stepped forward, forcing me to make eye contact again.

"i have an undying desire for you, i need you and i can never stop thinking about you, i can't think straight, i can't do anything when your around. you make me feel complete yet so so empty and i don't know what to do, so you can go on and hate me but, please don't hate me" she had finally finished speaking, i think and i still didn't know what to say, how could i not know what, i could say so much but i didn't allow myself to.

i didn't think i just acted.

i reached for Emily's face, i clung to her and pulled her face towards mine, my breathe got heavier and so did Em's as i threw my lips onto hers.

The kiss was intense, i pushed my body onto hers as we were deep in each-others throats, i just wanted to touch every part of her body, i want her up this close always. her hands had now snaked around my waist as mine stayed on her face, not letting go.

she squeezed my hips every-time we got to the most sensual part of the kiss, when her tongue brushed mine, making sure to not leave an inch of each-others mouths unturned. i wanted all of her, every last inch.

we stumbled back into my apartment as the kiss moved to much more than that. she kicked my door shut as i moved my hands down her body, wanting every piece of her, i couldn't help myself. i have wanted her for so long i couldn't control myself any longer.

My hands moved all the way down her body as i switched places with her so she could lean up against the wall. Her hands were plastered on that wall, clinging for dear life as mine rested on her hips.

my mouth moved down from her lips onto her jaw, kissing every last inch, then moving further down onto her neck, i lingered here, trying to cover more ground. i kissed all over her neck, sucking when i realised what i was doing and with who.

this was like a fever dream, i had craved her for so long that this was something i needed in order to survive. she was in the palm of my hands, i had control over her as she crumpled under me.

i eventually moved from her neck and back to her lips, she had been gasping for air whilst i had been all over her neck, leaving marks wherever i went. She no longer had room to breathe as i was back at her mouth, wanting every piece of her.

her hands moved from the wall and she placed them around my neck, making her move closer to me, her body placed directly onto mine as we practically swallowed each-other.

i pulled back, gasping for air as she looked at me and smirked. i ran my hands all over her, still not believing that i had her in my reach, in my touch. my right hand was on her hip and my left on her lower back, pulling her to me, closing the gap in-between us.

our breaths heavy as we gaze into each-others eyes. we had our hands all over each-other whilst our eyes went from either the others lips or eyes. her eyes were dark brown, i could get completely lost in them as i had multiple times.

she smirked as she opened her mouth to speak "please say we can take this to the bedroom" she tried speaking but after every two words she needed to re-gain her breathe. i smiled at her plead and grabbed her hand, leading her to the bedroom which was down the hall.

she followed, closing the space between us after every step. i led her into my bedroom, turning around as soon as i stepped through the door. i pulled her back in with the hand i held her with and kissed her again, not wasting any time.

"god i need you." i moaned as she placed her hands on my hips for the second time. she smirked as she undid the buttons on my shirt, as i did the same to her.

once all buttons were un-done i began kissing her neck once more, all the way down this time, i kissed right above her breasts as we stood there, both in our bras. hers was purple lace, pushing her boobs up, i kissed every last inch, they were perfect. she was perfect.

i laid her down on the bed, her hands were above her head as i slowly got on top of her, i continued kissing her, i kissed past her breasts and down her stomach. i didn't let any piece of skin go unturned, i wanted every single piece of her, i craved her. so much so i felt like i could stop breathing if i didn't have her now.

i carried on kissing all over her exposed body, i made my way back up to her breasts, past them to her neck, going over the marks i had left in the hallway and back to her jawline. it was sharp and i could trace it with my tongue, when i did so she let out slight moans.

moans that made me want her even more, she has so much power over me, she makes me weak when i needed to be i control.




SHOTS FIRED!                             Emily Prentiss X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now