why? do you know someone else who wants the luxury?

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Yesterday we got back from that case in Florida, it was harsh but we solved it and caught the unsub which was always a bonus. I stepped into the elevator the morning after the case had been solved, i pressed the 6th floor button on the lift and waited until it hit that floor.

i stepped off the elevator and made my way to the glass doors, the words BAU labelled on the front. I pushed the left door and and continued to walk into the behavioural analysis unit, i headed straight to my desk and placed my go bag on top of it.

I then walked over it the coffee machine, i didn't have time to get my morning coffee so i had to deal with the slightly off tasting caffeine the job supplied. Emily and Morgan were standing by the table a couple of feet away from the machine, i eavesdropped into their conversation discretely as i poured my coffee.

"so Emily, you got a man in your life, or are you a lone wolf like most of us here," Morgan asked eagerly with a massive grin on his face, i looked in the corner of my eye, trying to see Emily's reaction but i couldn't quite see her from my angle and didn't want to make it obvious that i was listening in.

Emily rubbed the back of her neck trying to get her words out to answer Morgan's questions , "i-i don't... date guys," She slowly spoke out as she looked around, looking everywhere but at the most devilishly handsome Derek Morgan.

"Damn, okay Agent Prentiss, you should hit Y/L/N up, they are great for a good time out with the ladies," Morgan stated, winking at Emily, she looked over to me with a shocked facial expression, like she wasn't expecting me to be into girls. i turn around looking at my coffee and i started to walk over to them.

"Yeah i get even more action than you!" I said to Morgan, smirking as i walked behind and back towards my desk. Morgan chuckled, as though it was not true however it was, Prentiss laughed nervously, not taking her eyes off of me.

Just as i was about to sit down at my desk, Hotch came out of his office, Penelope following him, that never leads to anything good.

"We've got a case," he said as he held a yellow case file up in the air. You could hear sighs from all around the room, i picked my mug back up and turned to walk up the stairs which were in the direction of the conference room.

Emily and Derek close behind me, Reid and JJ already in the conference room and Dave in his office doorway. We all got to the round table and took a seat, i sat between Reid and Derek whilst Emily sat completely opposite me.

Just before the briefing started Morgan leaned towards me, as he does on a regular basis, just so he was in ear shot, "you know, a certain agent was checking you out on your way in here, maybe you should see where it goes." He smirked at me whilst leaning back from my ear.

Whenever Morgan would whisper something like that in my ear at work i would normally give him a disapproving look, it wasn't that i didn't disapprove but all i could look at was her, Emily Prentiss just sat there in one of her many suits, the buttons on her blouse slightly un-done at the top, showing just the right amount of cleavage. The suit was black and the blouse was white, her hair melted into the colour of the jacket, both so dark. Her hand was up to her mouth, she was playing with her bottom lip whilst looking over the case file.

I keep my gaze on her, just taking in all her beauty, i was no longer angry at the emotions i felt towards Emily, although i had no idea what i felt towards her.

nothing romantic, we are just beginning to become friends and i valued her as a person, more than before when she originally handcuffed me whilst on a undercover mission.

"Alright gang, 3 women were raped and killed in Atlanta over the last week, all with brown brown hair and Caucasian. The women were all in their early to mid-thirties and had such, SUCH pretty faces, such a sad thing that they were killed, oh the humanity of this job." Garcia rambled on about the horror and the details.

"the amount of rage put into these stab wounds obviously show some sort of connection between the victims and the unsub, he could know them or he could be finding women that resemble a mother, a wife or maybe someone that rejected him in the past," i start to consistently talk about the rage and anger the unsub was feeling and what caused it. All eyes were on me as i spoke, it was slightly nerve-racking when everyone is looking at you. Emily caused me to feel flustered when she focused her gaze on me, she makes me feel calm and nervous at once.

"yes the strength and the depth of the stab wounds shows that our unsub is a male, women are approximately 52% and 66% as strong as men in the upper and lower body respectively, men are stronger relative to lean body mass, a significant correlation was found between strength and muscle cross-sectional area, the women had 45, 41, 30 and 25% smaller muscle CSAs for the biceps brachii, total elbow flexors, vastus lateralis and total knee extensors respectively. The men had significantly larger type 1 fiber areas so the strength shown in the crime scene photos wouldn't of been a woman as there are multiple stab wounds all of which are particularly deep." Reid continued on about statistics as usual, by now the whole team was used to Spencer always talking facts but were still amazed at everything he can remember.

After a while of discussing strategies and who this unsub might be, i heard Hotch say 'wheels up in thirty' and we all started to separate from the conference room. At this point we wont know exactly who the unsub is but by his behaviour we can figure out is relationship status, race, age and whether or not they have children as well as other things that show themselves further into the investigation.


"so you like girls huh?" Emily commented as we sat on the jet, i gave her a look straight after, i was shocked she even brought it up due to her being extremely uncomfortable when Morgan mentioned me being gay. She winked when i caught her view, i rolled my eyes and looked back down at the file trying to get familiar with the case and the mo of the unsub.

"uh yeah," i furrowed my brows, still looking down. "you seem surprised!" i now change my facial expression, i raise my left eyebrow and a smirk creeped out of my lips as i looked up slightly to gaze at Emily. Me and her were sitting in two singular chairs opposite each other whilst the rest of the team were spread out on the jet, we seemed to have gotten lucky and got the back end of the plane to ourselves.

"im not surprised, just glad men don't get the luxury of you," She said as she kept the smirk plastered on her face, keeping direct eye contact with me the whole time.

"why? do you know someone else who wants the luxury?"

AUTHORS NOTES: hey so i have written this whilst on 0 sleep so sorry if it sounds confusing or is lowkey kind of boring, this part is just a filler for the story as im trying to figure out what to do next and what i can drag out with detail but still make it interesting and intense. I dont know whether to make Y/N more badass or slowly give into emily prentiss like she has done or is currently doing. thank you for reading this and for adding it to your library's etc..

SHOTS FIRED!                             Emily Prentiss X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now