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She followed Hotch into the conference room, as did everyone else, i stood their shocked, annoyed and biting the inside of my cheek but most importantly thinking about how amazing Emily Prentiss looked.

i was always taken away at how effortlessly beautiful she was and it brought up a rage in me that i couldn't begin to explain. I hated the fact that i thought Agent Prentiss was attractive, so attractive that shes all i thought about.

i return back and away from my thought as i walked over to the conference room where everyone was standing around the table asking Emily questions as to where she worked before and where she studied behavioural analysis.

i stood at the doorway, Agent Prentiss has her back to me as for the others they were all in eyeshot of me.

"Here to handcuff me again Agent Prentiss? i have a gun did you need me to chuck on the floor as well?" i said sarcastically whilst smirking. sarcasm was a skill of mine that was used often.

i had my arms crossed as i leant on the door frame. Turing to me, she bit her lip trying her hardest not to give into the smirk.

Suddenly Hotch pulled me out of the room by my arm and stopped dragging me until i was half way down the corridor outside Agent Rossi's office, with my back facing Emily, but facing him.

"that was quicker than usual!" Morgan said, shaking his head and smiling back in the conference room, on the verge of laughing. He crossed his arms and sat down as did everyone else except Emily

"does she act like this to everyone when they join?" she asks peering her head trying to catch a glimpse.

"Only the ones that handcuff her and blow her cover on a case!" JJ responded, there was a slight bit of attitude to her reply but it just went unnoticed. Emily was too distracted, she was now fully turned and was facing Hotch and me talking, more like him talking and me listening.

"You are going to have to deal with having Agent Prentiss on the team, is that clear? she is now apart of it and i expect her to be treated equally, leave the handcuffing situation behind you." Hotch told me as i looked up at him, arms once again crossed and looking annoyed, i peered into Agent Rossi's office as  Hotch told me to quit being annoyed and to start to get to know her and like her.

how do i tell him that i may be annoyed at her but she has been the only god damn thing on my mind since that rainy night at the party. She's the only thing i think about. no matter where i am or what i'm doing, she's caused me sleepless nights, she's caused me to zone out constantly, she's made me stop eating, no one has ever occupied my mind enough for me to not eat. How could i sleep, my feelings towards her are so confusing. i cant do anything because she's in my head, it keeps replaying the time where she was biting her lip and just staring at me whilst standing in the rain, her arms crossed, one foot tapping in the ground whilst the other held all her weight, the unbreakable eye contact that felt like eternity, just gazing into her eyes, falling hopelessly into a never-ending dream. i get held up on the thought of her eyes, how you could so easily get lost in them. 

"Do you understand me?" Hotch spoke very seriously still looking down at me as i looked elsewhere

"you are understood," i sighed as the words came out my mouth, i turned around just as i was finishing the sentence

"i mean it Y/L/N!" Hotch yelled a bit as i had already walked off back to the conference room.

as i walked into the room, Emily was still standing there watching us, her arms crossed with one hand lifted to her mouth as she bit her finger ever so slightly. i walked past, winking at her as i went to sit next to Morgan.

As i sat down i could see from the corner of my eye that she was blushing as she turned around, looking everywhere but at me, she seemed flustered and not to mention red. 

Morgan punched me in the arm as soon as i sat down, he laughed a she sat back still looking at me. I looked at him, my face all scrunched up. "the hell was that for?" i glared at him trying not to crack a smile. 

"oh, you know what that was for" He said smirking as he looked away and a t the screen where Garcia was eagerly waiting to present the case, and it was a bad on, Florida. 

I smirk as i focus my attention to the Penelope Garcia. "as we all know and love Florida, they need out help," her smile drops as she goes further and further into the briefing. "So hes taking different organs from each victim?" Rossi asked in disgust, looking at the case file in his hands. 

"That is um.. correct yes" Penelope gulped, playing with her fingers and the remote. I was staring down at the case file which was filled with horrid photos of the victims but yet again still thinking about Emily Prentiss.

I face up from the file, looking up at Prentiss, she already had her eyes on me. I started to blush a little and immediately looked back down. 

"wheels up in 30" Hotch exclaimed as everyone began to get up, i however stay sat, looking down at the victims corpse, i wasn't really paying attention to the photos but trying to figure out why i feel aggravated and turned on when i look at Emily, just one look. I cant express the rage i have but also the lust when seeing her, its like time stops and starts and then begins to repeat until i look away. 

"you okay?" I calming yet somewhat deep voice came from behind me. I get cut off from my thoughts, i turn my head, looking behind me, to see the person who takes us all my thoughts. 

"hey. Y/N are you okay" she says again, this time putting a hand on my shoulder. i peer down to her hand and then back to her face and once again snap out of my daydreams. 

"yeah" i mumbled shaking my head "yeah" i repeat louder. i stand up and walk past her out of the room with the case file in my hand, i don't know how to react when in the same room with Emily, she seems to have her hold on me. And by hold i mean literally stopped me from being able to communicate entirely. 

AUTHORS NOTES: heyy i am so sorry for the wait for this chapter, i had written half of it after the last chapter but then struggled to finish it. No worries tho i will write a couple chapters tonight (im hoping 5) and either post them at once or over a while pls let me know x

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