you perfectly gorgeous genius!

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*its been a three weeks since your case was blown and you were handcuffed by non other than Emily Prentiss. *

It was a Wednesday now and i was making my way to work, Hotch called us all in earlier than usual because he had some news.

As i got into my car i heard my phone ring, i picked it up and held it to my ear using my shoulder.

"Agent Y/L/N." i answered the call with, in a stern but not to stern voice. this was how i answered my phone whether it was family or co-workers, it was just easier that way.

"hey lovely, how are this fabulously fine morning my sweet."

"hey Penelope."- Penelope Garcia, her bubbly, bright voice put a smile on your face. Penelope was so unique, she was amazing and brilliant at her job. "i am tired this fabulously fine morning Garcia, and yourself?" i answered her question which she originally started with, i repeated some of her question but not as well as she did it, Garcia had this tone, this atmosphere that just made everybody love her, from the way she talked to the was she acted, hell even the way she dressed made her loveable.

"Well my sweet sweet dear i was calling because i am very impatient and was hoping that with your lovely brain you could tell me why we are being called into work at the earliest of hours...pumpkin." when Penelope got angry or excited about something she would talk at an alarming speed, she tried to add some cute little nicknames in to keep to her nice self but when shes angry she seems to forget.

She was clearly annoyed she had to wake up earlier and get to work practically before the sun had even risen but knowing Garcia she will have calmed down by the time she has walked onto the elevator.

"Garcia. slow down, i'm don't know why Hotch has called us in this early, i will talk to you about this when we get there....I'm 3 minutes away ok?" i said because it was too early to be hearing Garcia scream down the phone, she couldn't scream at you in person if she wanted to so you thought by saying goodbye and talking to her at work it would be a lot more calm.


I arrived outside the BAU and after getting out my car and walking into the building i saw Garcia, urgently waiting for my arrival.

We both walked into the elevator together talking about out theories of what Hotch could want at this time in the morning.

"maybe someone new could be joining the team?" i suggested as i turned to face her.

Her whole face lit up, she loved meeting new people and when new people joined she was overjoyed, assuming no one had to leave to make space for the newby.

"yes yes yes, you perfectly gorgeous genius!" her smile was ear to ear by the time she said 'genius' and i couldn't help but laugh.

i don't get to excited about new people, don't get me wrong i settle in just fine with them and we get along but change isn't really my thing, its not really anyones thing on this team, some of us just hide it better.

Garcia and i both stepped out off of the elevator once we reached the floor or the behavioural analysis unit, floor 7. Penelope rushed over to Jennifer Jareau.

JJ and Garcia are the closest to one another, we are all very close like family but each of us have someone we would class, our bestfriend. Mine was Derek Morgan, a bit cocky, head strong and bold, which is who i headed to once stepping off the elevator.

"Hey Y/L/N." Derek shouted from the doors of the BAU to the doors of the lift, his hands either side of his mouth to make more of a statement.

i giggled whilst walking up to him, he opened his arms and i gave him a quick hug, he normally hugs me before we go into work, i don't know why but its nice to have that every morning. we have known each other forever so he could tell when i needed a hug, which seemed to be every morning.

Derek and me knew everything about one another, he was the only person who knew i was bisexual and i was the only one who knew about Carl Buford, a man he trusted and was used,betrayed, hurt by, i don't even know how to put it into words what Morgan went through when he was younger but it was nice to know that he trusted me enough to tell me.

All four of us walked into the office and straight towards our desks, we all had 'go' bags with us as we regularly got cases out of the state and had to be packed and ready to leave. We all leave them on top of our desks and i walked over to the coffee machine to keep myself awake because 6:00am was too early to be awake let alone at work. the other three stood together and stared into Hotch's office whom was accompanied by someone else that none of them knew nor could see for that matter.

I began to walk back to my desk when Dr Spencer Reid enters the office. "Hey Kid." i say as i'm reaching my desk, smiling at him before walking up to him. Me and Reid are very good friends, same with Morgan, us three are very close and i must say its a weird dynamic but it works.

i set my coffee cup down on my desk and look up to Spencer, Spencer was so tall, nearly as tall as Morgan for that matter, so very tall. He smiles back at me before placing his bag down on his desk.

"hey Y/L/N" Spencer said to me as he walked over to all of us looking at Hotchs office. "hey i went to the book store last night and found a book i thought you would like," Reid happily spoke to me whilst handing me a green covered book with the title that read 'astrology for the soul', i took the book that he was to eager to hand me and smiled.

"thank you Spencer, didn't have too" i said just as Hotchs door opened.

"no worries Y/N i know you like things like this, even though Scientific testing has found no evidence to support the premises or purported effects outlined in astrological traditions, i still thought i would pick it up." his smile was so wide at this point, it was so nice of Reid to go and do this for me because he knew how much i loved astrology despite him being against it.

Reid and i didn't even pay attention to Hotch coming out of his office with an unknown person. Right now you didn't care who that person was you were just so thankful to Reid.

you thanked Spencer one last time before opening the book and beginning to read. you and Spencer bonded a lot over reading, you read particularly fast, not Reid fast, but faster than others so you talked to each other about books you have recently read, recommending ones to one another.

"Listen up everyone,"- Hotchs stern voice filled the whole office as everyone looked up at him, i looked up from my book having already read two chapters, "i would like you to meet the newest member of the BAU Agent Emily Prentiss!" Hotch continued. I immediately glared at the person standing besides Aaron.

she was already looking at me whilst biting her lip. as annoyed as i was at her she was still gorgeous, i hadn't gotten her out if my head for the last three weeks, i don't know why shes been all i think about everywhere i go, and i don't know why i feel annoyed and breathe taken when i look at her.

*im really enjoying writing this and honestly its killing me with the lack of emily and y/n moments but in the next one they will be sure to have (i want to say screen time together but this inst a screen) time together, i hate but love slow burn fanfics 🤪 this may not be slow slow burn but its definitely not jumping into a relationship :)

SHOTS FIRED!                             Emily Prentiss X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now