Daniel Ricciardo - Provider

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"Baby I'm home!" I hear the Aussie voice of my boyfriend echo through the apartment. Jumping off the bed I sprint to the living room and jump into his arms. He catches me and spins me around. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck. "I missed you so much." I mumble into his neck. "I missed you to babe." He says and moves to put me down. "No." I say and hold on tighter. Daniel's laugh bounces off the walls and makes me smile before I eventually decide to get off him. "I missed you." He said giving me a kiss. His hands find their way around my waist and pull me closer. My arms wrapped around the back of his neck.

After a while we pull away, catching our breath. "I definitely missed that." Daniel said making me giggle. "I'm sorry about the race babe. I'm sure the next one will be better." I say with a small smile. "That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about." Daniel says, placing his backpack down and turning to face me again. "The next race?" I question, confused. "Yes, well not exactly. Y/n, I really want you to come with to races. I need you there to support me. To be there for me when I have a bad race and to celebrate with me when I have a good race. I know it's selfish but I need you there. You are my rock, my everything and I need your support." Daniel says, tears brimming in his eyes which cause tears to form in mine.

"Dani I would love to but my job won't allow me to. If I could come to every race weekend I would but I can't." I say and he looks sad, but then I see the spark of an idea flash across his saddened eyes.

"Quit." He says blankly. "Sorry?" I ask him to check I hear him right. "Quit you job." He says. "But-" I begin before getting cut off. "No. No buts. I know you want to work but you don't need to. I earn enough money to support and provide for us for the rest of our lives." He says. "Dani, I can't ask that of you." I say softly. "You aren't, I want to. I love you so much and I need you there with me at races." Daniel says. "Are you sure?" I ask. "My love, I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life." Daniel says taking my hands in his.

I look down, contemplating. After a few minutes I take a deep breath. "Ok." I say with a smile. "Ok?" Daniel questions. "Ok, I will call my boss this afternoon and quit." His smile grows causing mine to grow as well. "Really?" He asks. I nod and he wraps me in a hug. "Thank you so much baby. I love you so much." Daniel says and he picks me up. Swinging me around. "Baby!" I yell mainly out of fear. "Relax. I'll never drop you." Daniel says after putting me back down on the ground. "Come. There is a movie I want to show you." I say, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the couch.

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