Max Verstappen- Double Podium

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I pull up behind the P1 sign. The excitement and adrenaline running through my veins. With a huge smile on my face I clamber out my car and stand on the front nose, posing for the cameras and the fans before jumping off. I run to the team and celebrate with them. They all yell and hit my helmet, which kinda hurts. "Well done y/n!" "Yes!" And many other things were yelled by my team. One by one I thank my team members for all their hard work they have put into this car. The massive smile never leaving my face.

"Y/n!" I hear the voice of my boyfriend and team mate, Max, behind me. Turning around I run and jump into his arms and he swings me around. Our laughters of joy bounce around the pit lane. "I'm so proud of you. Your first race win. This is incredible. I love you so much." Max says, putting me down but keeping his arms around me. "I love you too baby." I say and touch my helmet against his, looking into his eyes before I am being whisked away for my post race interview.

"Y/n how are you feeling? We saw you having a chat with your boyfriend and team mate, Max. what did he have to say?" The interviewer saix and my smile grew. "It's difficult to describe how I'm feeling, really. I'm m so happy and proud of what the team and I have achieved today. Max as well completing the 1-2 for us which is amazing. I'm so proud of him and and the amazing work he has put into the team. All our hard work has finally paid off and I'm so thankful for him and to have him by my side, supporting me. Many people said that dating him would be a distraction from my racing but this just proves that we make each other stronger and I would not be here without him." I finish and people start cheering, I look up and find my boyfriend with a tear in his eyes.

The felling that rushes through me as I run onto the podium and jump onto the top step is incredible. Proudly I stand there as my national anthem echoes around the track. As the anthems come to an end they announce the trophies. Lando, in P3, gets his first. The loud cheers from McLaren bounce down the paddock. Max gets awarded his next and the team cheers loudly. I cheer too and he hears me, turning to me with his big goofy smile that I love so much. Finally I am handed my trophy. The team starts softly and slowly gets louder until I lift the trophy into the air. The biggest smile covering my face.

Max's arm rests around my shoulders as we walk down the paddock. "These will look great in the trophy cabinet back in Milton Keynes." I say, looking down at my trophy. "They really will." Max agrees. "Did you really mean what you said in the interview? Before the podium?" Max asks and we stop walking. "Of course I did. I meant every word. I'm so thankful for you and all your hard work you're putting in. I've been working hard too and it's so amazing to see it finally pay off." I say, softly placing my hand on his cheek. He leans into my touch. "I love you." He whispers. "I love you too. So much." I reply, as he gently leans down and kisses me.

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