Charles Leclerc - Lazy day

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The soft morning sunshine wakes me up as it streams through the window. The strong arm wrapped around my waist pulls me closer as I turn around to face my boyfriend. "Hi babe." I say softly before snuggling into him, tucking my head into his neck. "Good morning baby." Charles replies.

He sighs into my hair. "This feels nice." I say into his neck. "We should do this more often. I love having you in my arms." He says. "Aww babe. You so cute." I say, moving my head to look at him. He opens his eyes a little to look at me. "If you are even thinking of moving don't. I'm so comfortable." He says. "I'm not going anywhere. I was moving so I could do this." I say before leaning in to kiss him. He pulls away. "Ok, if your moving to do that it's fine. I'm always fine with that." He says making me giggle. "Of course you are." I say before leaning in again.

We lay in bed in each others arms for another hour. Charles stomach growls loudly. "Hungry?" I ask with a small giggle. "Yes. I didn't want to say anything because I don't really want to move but can we please eat." He says and I agree before we get out of bed. I realize I'm wearing Charles' shirt that only just covers my bum.

"You should wear that more often." He says from behind me as we walk to the kitchen. "Haha very funny. I'll go change." I say teasingly and I turn around and pretend I'm going back to the bedroom. "Nope." He says, blocking the corridor. "You look too gorgeous and I won't let you change. We don't have to go anywhere today either. So let's get food." Charles says, swiftly picking me up. "You know I can walk right." I say as he drops me onto my feet in the kitchen. "I know." He smiles cheekily as I roll my eyes before grabbing some fruit and yoghurt.


We sit on the balcony, drinking in the Monaco sun. I'm snuggled up against Charles and his arm is wrapped around me as we sit together on the big couch. I read my book and he scrolls through the news. Every so often I receive a soft kiss on my forehead, which I repay with a kiss on the cheek. This is the most relaxing day we have spent together, especially with the fact that Charles's busy with racing most weekends.

"Mon amour?" I hear, humming in response. "Let's watch a movie tonight." He suggests. "Oh that sounds like a great idea." I say, already excited.

A few hours later I'm cuddled up next to Charles, a small bowl of popcorn next to us. It's was Charles' turn to pick a movie and he picked Avengers: Age of Ultron. Which I don't mind. Near the end of the movie I lay my head down on Charles' shoulder. Slowly drifting off to sleep.

I wake up as Charles walks down the corridor with me in his arms. He doesn't notice and places me in the bed, climbing in after me. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me close. "I love you, mon amour." He whispers in my ear. "I love you too." I reply before falling asleep again.

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