Charles Leclerc - Tattoo

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I got this idea from a tiktok and I thought it was cute

My daughters small hand is wrapped in mine as we walk down the walkway towards where I agreed to meet my husband. "Papa!" My daughter yells as she pulls her hand out of mine and runs towards Charles. "Ah, la mia principessa. You look so pretty in your dress." He coos, picking her up as I walk towards them. The Monaco harbor is busy with tourists walking along the edge and workers bustling around to prepare the yachts around us. Charles bought the yacht behind him after he retired from F1 two years ago to focus on me and our daughter who was a year old at the time. He places Bianca on his hip and smiles at me. "Mon amour, you look gorgeous as you always do." He smiles and I walk to him, hugging him. The summer dress that I chose is starting to stretch across my growing belly. He kisses my temple before we turn around and walk onto the boat.

Max, Kelly and Penelope join us a few minutes later. Penelope is a few years older than Bianca but they get on very well. Max holds Luca but he wiggles around and eventually max puts him down. His two year old legs wobbling as he tries to keep up with the girls. The girls run around and giggle as we chat and catch up. "Don't get the party started with out us!" We hear and turn around to see Alex, Lily, Carmen and George standing there. We all greet each other with hugs. "Y/n you look gorgeous. How far along are you?" Lily asks as she sets the carrier down, Madison starts to fuss but she picks her up and she falls back to sleep. "About four months, Charles and I are so excited." I say smiling. "I'm so excited for you guys." Carmen smiles as she turns back to watching Luca and Zack get acquainted with eachother. They are the same age and with the amount of time we all spend together, those two will be big trouble soon.

The boat starts to move and max looks at Charles. "Where's Lando?" He asks. "At home, his entire family has the flu except for him so he's running between his wife and the kids trying to help them all. Poor guy." Charles says. "Ah that's terrible. Shame. I hope they all feel better." George says.

We have all changed into our swimming costumes and we're scattered around the boat, basking in the sun while the children's laugh bounces around the boat. They are splashing away in the small pool on the main deck. Eventually the boat stops and the captain informs us that we have parked here for the rest of the day so we can swim in the ocean. I call Bianca over to me and she has the biggest smile on her face. "Do you want to go swim in the ocean?" I ask her. Her smile immediately grows wider. "Papa, let's go swim!" She yells and Charles smiles. "Anything you want, let's go." He says and the rest of the kids drag max, Alex and George with them to the back of the boat. "The boys are so amazing with all of them." Lily comments from the sun bed next to me. "Yeah it's so adorable." I smile hearing splashes and laughter coming from the back of the boat. Eventually the girls and I begin to prepare lunch.

Lily and I walk to the back of the boat and out the back door. We see the guys chatting while still keeping their eyes on the kids who are splashing away. "Hey guys," Lily yells and their eyes all snap to us "lunch is ready." She says and the kids immediately jump out and run towards us. "No running, remember." I say to them and the all slow to a fast walk around the side of the boat towards where Kelly and Carmen have finished setting up. The boys gradually get out of the water and I wait for Charles. He walks up to me and wraps me in his arms. "You look so gorgeous, I can't believe you're my wife." He smiles down at me, placing a quick kiss on my lips. "Well believe it because I'm not going anywhere." I say to him. "I should hope not." He smiles, placing his hand on my belly. He kisses me once more before we walk towards the others.

Once Luca and Zack are sleeping in one of the bedrooms downstairs, we all laze about Bianca and Penelope are coloring in while Charles and max sit with them, 'ooh'ing and 'aah'ing over their skills. I walk over, placing myself next to Charles on the bench as I lean into him to watch her draw. "Wow those flowers are so pretty." I smile at her. "Thank you mama." She smiles, looking at me. She looks down and I see she notices Charles scar on his abdomen.

"What happened, papa?" She asks, placing her finger on the scar. My mind flashes back to that day, the day he crashed into the barriers at Monza after his breaks failed. The main injury was a piece of carbon fiber that had sliced right through his suit and cut him deep, thankfully not harming anything important. He also broke his leg, and the recovery was incredibly smooth and quick, he sometimes forgets that he broke it because it feels the same now as it did before. His arm tightens around me, knowing how stressed I was that day. We had been going out for about three years when it happened and he had proposed to me the night before after he got pole position for the race.

"I crashed my car and got hurt but I'm all ok now." He says to her and she smiles before turning back to her drawing. I lean in to him even more as he turns to me, placing a kiss on my forehead. "I know, Mon amour, I know." He whispers, comfortingly rubbing his hand up and down my arm. That day still haunts my nightmares every now and then. It was the most stressful and scariest day of my life. Charles' head snaps to find Bianca with a marker in her hand. I see her drawing on his stomach. I lean in closer to find her drawing flowers around the scar. My eyes fill with tears at how soft and innocent her actions are. A tear falls and land on Charles' shoulder. He looks at me and I find his eyes are also slightly watery. "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen." I say softly to him as I continue to cry.

The rest of the afternoon and evening flys by as we all enjoy ourselves and the music but eventually the children all start to fall asleep so we decide to go back to the harbor. "Thank you for such an awesome day. It was amazing." I say to them all with a smile. "Thanks for inviting us onto your yacht. We must do this again soon." Lily says and the others agree. We say goodbye and all walk off in our separate directions. Charles has Bianca in his arms and she is fast asleep as we walk up to our apartment. I tuck her into her bed and walk out her room to find Charles grabbing his wallet and keys. "I'm going out for about an hour, I'll be back later and I'll explain later. I love you." He says kissing me. "I love you too, drive safe." I say after him as he walks out before I walk into our bedroom and shower all the salt water and sunblock off me.

I'm relaxing on the couch with a cup of tea when the front door opens and Charles walks in. "Hi love." I smile. "Hi baby." He says walking over to me and placing a quick kiss on my lips. "Care to explain?" I ask. "Oh yes." He says before lifting his shirt. I look to find his scar covered in plastic. "I got my friend who is a tattoo artist to tattoo the flowers on. That's why I refused to swim again, I wanted the original drawing for him to trace." Charles says with a smile. "That's so adorable. Seeing her draw that on you today made me feel so many things." I say, tears filling my eyes again as Charles sits down next to me, pulling me into his arms.

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