Lance Stroll - Savior

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The wind rushing past my face. The solid concrete slapping against my feet as I speed down the pavement. I hear the footsteps slowly gaining on me. A tall hotel building appears further down the road. I sprint straight towards it, slipping through the front doors and sprinting to the side staircase and up the stairs. I quickly look back and see the two figures still following me.

I sprint up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Before finally reaching the top level of rooms. I run down to the furthest one and knock on the door. "Come on, please open." I whisper to myself. The door swings open and I push past the person and into their room. I run to look out the window and see one of the guys, who was chasing me, standing on the pavement outside.

"Hello? Sorry? What are you doing here? Who are you?" I hear from behind me. "Right. I'm really sorry these two men were chasing me and this hotel is the only place I thought of. I will go if you feel uncomfortable. You know what I shouldn't have bothered you. I'm sorry." I say and move to the door, attempting to catch my breath. "No, it's ok. Sit down. Do you want some water? Tea?" Says the rather handsome stranger. "If you have some water that would be great." I say with a smile as I sit on the small chair in the corner. "Thanks." I say as he throws me a bottle of water.

"I'm Lance." He says. "Y/n. Nice to meet you Lance." I say with a smile. I spot a pile of bright green clothes spread out on one side of the bed. "You don't recognize me do you." Lance says, noticing my confusion. "No. Should I?" I ask, confused. "Well maybe. I drive in Formula One." He says with a smile. "Oh really? That's so cool. I've heard of the sport of just never really had time to get into it. With all the time I spend running from those two." I say and slowly glance out the window, sure enough they are still there. "Why are they after you?" He asks. "It's a super long story, starting with the fact that I broke the ones arm after they both attempted to harm me in more ways than one." I say with a sigh. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have pried." He says , genuinely. "No it's fine. I don't mind." I say with a small smile.

"And that's how Lance and I met." I say and the girls around the table sit in silence. "Wow. That sounds scary." Says Charlotte. "It was but Lance has been the most amazing boyfriend over these past three years and I've never been happier. He has helped me so much and I don't know where I would be with out him." I say with a smile. "I think boys have also picked up that he has been happier over these past few years. Seb has noticed a big change in his mood and attitude." Hanna admits. That makes me smile. "Girls, the race will start in ten minutes." Says Kelly as she gets up and moves her chair closer to the big screen TV where we will watch the race.

"And Lance Stroll crosses the line first. Winning his first ever Grand Prix." The commentator says. "Oh my god, yes!" I say loudly with a huge smile spreading across my face. "Go!" The girls yell at me and I race down the stairs and run down the paddock, slowing down before entering the Aston Martin garage. "Y/n! Come!" I see Otmar waving me over to the pit lane from the pit wall.

I run down the pit lane and to the barriers. The team notice me and push me to the front. I get there just in time to see Lance's car pull up to the number one sign. He jumps out his car and races over to us. The team congratulate him before he wraps his arms around me, lifting me over the barrier. "Well done baby, I'm so proud of you. I love you so much." I say to him and he takes off his helmet. "I love you too." He says and kisses me in celebration.

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