Lando Norris- Back together

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"Mommy, will I ever see Y/n again?" He asks, pulling on the hem of his mother's dress. "Of course you will baby, we will make sure you see each other again very soon." Lando's mom says looking at him before looking to me and smiling. "You promise, mama?" I ask, looking up at my mom. "Yes darling. You two will see each other soon. Lando has to go and race but you will see him in a few months when he gets back." My mom says, smoothing my hair down my head.

I start to cry because I have to say goodbye to my best friend in the whole world. Lando runs to me and hugs me. "I will see you soon ok. I will show you all of my trophies and then you can come watch me race. Do you want to watch me race?" He asks me. "I will always watch you race, lando. I never want to miss one but I have to. Win all your races for me and don't forget me when you drive in Formula One, ok." I say to him. "I will never forget you y/n." He says, tears running down his cheeks too. "Bye lando, I love you." I say as I give him one last hug. "Bye Y/n, I love you too." He says before I walk away from his house and back to my mom's car.

"Mama open the window please." I ask her as she starts the car. "Ok baby." She says and then the window next to me rolls down. "Bye lando!" I yell out the window, waving my hand very fast so he can see. I look to see him standing by the door also waving very fast. "Bye y/n!" He yells back and then the car is moving and his house is gone.


"This is going to be the best night ever!" Kika yells through the apartment as she turns the music louder. "Yeah especially with your famous boyfriend who can get us into these clubs!" I yell back from the bathroom as I finish up with my mascara. "His name is Pierre, for your information and he is more useful than just being able to get us into clubs." She says as she walks into the bathroom. "Ok whatever. I'm just excited to finally meet him." I say to her. Of course I know who he is, Pierre Gasly drives in formula one. I've kept up with formula one ever since lando moved up and started racing in f1, not that he seems to remember me but I guess I can't hold him to something that he said when we were 6. We kept in contact for a year or two after he left but he got busy and I guess he forgot about me. I never forgot about him though. I've watched almost every single one of his races from karting all the way up to F1.

I touch up my hair before giving myself a once over in the mirror. "You look hot girl. That short dress will have all the boys begging for your attention. I promise you." She says to me and I laugh. "Hopefully, I need to get something tonight." I laugh. "Yeah you've been single for way too long." She laughs before we grab all of our things and make our way out of the apartment.

The Uber drops us off outside one of the best clubs in Monte Carlo. We walk straight to the door and the bouncer lets us in. "Sorry I forgot to mention that some of Pierre's friends will be here tonight." She yells over the loud music as we make our way to the VIP section. Pierre is friends with Lando, my heart speeds up at the thought of seeing him for the first time in so many years. We arrive at the table and I'm a little disappointed to not see Lando but it helps when I remember that he has most likely forgotten about me and that would have been an awkward interaction. "Hi guys!" Kika greets. "This is y/n, my best friend. Y/n this is Charles, Max, Daniel, Oscar, Alex and George." Kika says, pointing to all the guys one by one. "Hi everyone." I smile. Pierre hugs Kika and whispers something in her ear. She kisses his cheek before coming over to me. "Let's go. Pierre says there is a tab at the bar and I need a drink." She says to me with a laugh. "Definitely." I say and we walk towards the bar. After a few minutes the bartender hands us our drinks and Kika decides to drag me onto the dance floor. We make our way to the center as the song changes to one of our many favorite songs. We dance along to the song together as the alcohol slowly starts to take effect. After my stressful time at school, I need to let loose. Kikas words, not mine.

We dance along to the music, feeling the vibe when a pair of hands land on my waist. I can feel a strong body behind me and I lean back, dancing into him along with the music. "Wow baby, hello again to you too." He says in my ear, pulling my back flush against his front. I gasp at the voice, turning my head to find Lando behind me. "Lando! Oh my god!" I turn around and throw my arms around his neck, hugging him. Partly grateful that this means he remembers me. "Hi, y/n. Long time no see." He laughs as his arms wrap tightly around my waist. "Yeah I thought you forgot about me." I laugh, pulling away from the hug. "Like I said when we were six, I could never forget about you. The most gorgeous and stunning girl on the planet. My girl." He says to me with a small smile. "I've always been your girl." I smile back at him.

Feeling comfortable and happy to be back with him again. We continued from where we left off, comfortable around each other and joking with each other. We continued to dance to the music. His hands gripping my hips as I move. "Baby, I've been dreaming about the day that I would see you again, so that I could finally do this for real." He says, I'm confused for a split second before his hands twist my hips which turns me around to face him. His one hand lands softly on the side of my face, cupping my cheek before he leans in and places his lips on mine. We both groan into the kiss, knowing we both feel exactly the same. I knew he was my soulmate when we were kids and to finally have him back and knowing he feels the same is incredible. He pulls away, placing his forehead in mine. "I love you, y/n." He says to me with a small smile. "I love you too Lan." I say and we both smile knowing that we're finally back where we're supposed to be. Back together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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