Charles Leclerc- Playing along (Mafia)

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Placing my glass of water down I pick up my ringing phone. It's Tony. "My darling? Could you come down here please. Make sure you are wearing what I told you." He demands before hanging up, not leaving me a chance to say anything. I sigh, looking down at the scraps of material he forced me to wear. But I have to play along. After being undercover and dating an abusive man for over a year, you tend to do as you're told.

I uncomfortably make my way down the stairs of his mansion before walking into the poker room. I hate how this makes me feel. All these old Spanish men raking their eyes over every exposed part of my body. There is only one man that can look at me and make me feel amazing but I haven't seen him in about 2 years. I saunter over to Tony, a smile on my face. "Yes love?" I question. "Come sit. I want to show you off. My woman." He says, pulling me down onto his lap. His fingers painfully digging into my hips. Those will bruise by tomorrow.


I quickly shove the magazine back into the bottom of my handgun before placing it deep under my clothes in the cupboard. "Hello my love." Tony says, walking into our shared bedroom. I almost throw up as he kisses my cheek. I've been undercover for a while now and every time it makes me feel nauseous. But I have to play the part. "Hello darling. How was your day?" I ask nicely as I place my earrings in. "Stressful but I'm glad that I can go and relax at a party with my gorgeous girlfriend." He says, placing his hands on my waist. I hide the pain I feel from the bruises on my hips. His hands are making me uncomfortable. "I'm very excited. Just give me a few minutes and I will be all yours." I smile, walking away and into the bathroom.

Closing the door behind me I quickly finish up knowing that if I make him wait to long he will get very upset. I fix my hair and my lipstick before walking out. "Come, let's go." He says all most pulling me along but I pretend everything is fine as some of his staff throw me looks.

I can hear the loud music as soon as we pull up outside the club. I recognize it since I have been here many times with Tony over the last year. The bouncer lets us in and we make our way to the vip section. I sit down and the waiter brings me a drink as Tony walks around, greeting everyone. I slowly sip my drink as I feel a small breeze on my neck. "Bonjour, mon amour." I hear a very familiar voice whisper in my ear, causing goosebumps to cover my skin. I slowly move my head and my eyes lock with his. The leader of the Italian Mafia. My love. Charles. "Baby.." I whisper. "You can't be here." I continue, starting to panic about my cover. "We have the intel we need. I'm here to free you." He says, a small smile playing on his lips.

I jump up from my chair and hug him. He wraps his arms around me and I relax, tucking my head into his neck. Taking in his scent and his touch that I have missed so dearly. "Hey! Who do you think you are? Touching my girl!" I hear Tony yell. I turn around, Charles' arms wrapped loosely around my waist. "Actually she is my girl." Charles says, leaning down and kisses my neck. I smile at the feeling and the sight of Tony getting angrier and angrier. I almost let out a moan before Charles leaves one more kiss and pulls away smiling. "You'll pay for this!" Tony yells. "No, I don't think I will." Charles says, looking at me before some of our men walk up behind Tony and put him in cuffs before he can react. "But... my love?" He questions, looking at me with sad eyes. "Bye." I wave with a sickeningly sweet smile as he is taken away. I think Charles checked to see if he was still watching before bending down and kissing me. We both groaned at the feeling, showing how much we missed each other.

Pulling away we have the biggest smiles on our faces. "There is an plane waiting to take us to our island for the next 3 weeks." Charles says, gently moving a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "That sounds like exactly what I need right now. Just you and me. Together." I say leaning into his touch. "My team has everything handled for us. No one is allowed to contact us." He says. "I can't wait. Let's go." I smile and he places his arm around my shoulder as we walk out the club together.


I shove the sliding doors open, letting the warm island breeze blow through the house. The balcony stretches in front of me before disappearing into the beach. The smell of the ocean and the sound of crashing waves hit me. A strong pair of arms wrap tightly around my waist. I slightly since at the pain that shoots up my side. "What's wrong, mon amour?" Charles asks, worry filling his eyes. I sigh, facing him. "Tony was a horrible man. The way he grabbed me caused bruises on my hips. I'm sorry baby." I say looking down.  "You have nothing to apologize for." He says softly, lifting my chin to meet his eyes. "What else did he do to you?" Charles asks. I can see the anger in his eyes. Damn I love it when he is overprotective.

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