Sebastian Vettel- Lockdown

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"Bye baby. I'll see you in a week." I say hugging Seb as I walk out the front door of our new home. "I'm going to miss you so much." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist, not wanting to let me go. "I'm only going to visit my parents. I'll be back before you know it Seb. I love you." I say to him. "I love you too." He replies, leaning in to kiss me.


"Oh no!" I yell out from my spot on the couch. "What's wrong honey?" My mom asks, walking into the living room. Tears begin to grow in my eyes. "Germany has just closed their borders because of covid. Which means I'm stuck here in the UK." I say sadly. "You say that like it's a bad thing." My mom says, pretending to be hurt. "But Seb is in Germany." I groan at her, flopping onto the couch. "Aww baby. You two are strong. You will make it through a month or two. Especially now with face time and all those things. You'll see him in no time." She says, sitting next to me trying to comfort me. "You're right. Thanks mom." I smile, hugging her.

"Hey baby."I say softly, answering the phone call. "Hi liebe. How are you?" Seb says. "I'm really upset. It could be months till I see you." I say, small tears appearing in my eyes. Seb spots them. "Hey baby don't cry. Please. We will be together soon. I promise." He says, his heart breaking at the sight of you. "I know, I just miss you so much. Your hugs and cuddles." I say, a small smile appearing at the thought. "Soon we will be back together and you won't leave my arms for days." He says with a small smile. "Y/n!" I hear my mom yell. "Love I've got to go, but I'll speak to you later." I say to him. "Can't wait baby, see you later. I love you." He says. "I love you too." I softly smile back.


It has been almost a month and I am finally on a plane back to Germany. Since I live there I have been able to get permission to return. My leg bounces up and down, nervous and excited to see Sebastian again. I haven't told him that I'm on my way home yet.

After we land I grab my suitcase and call a taxi. My excitement growing with every turn. Eventually we pull up outside the familiar building, my home. I jump out, grab my suitcase and pay the driver before walking up the front steps.

I take off my mask and open the door. "Love, I'm home!" I yell and I hear a loud crash from upstairs. His loud footsteps grow as he runs down the stairs. "Liebe." He says and I instantly run straight into his arms, jumping and wrapping my legs around his waist. He holds me closer that humanly possible. Finally taking in his familiar and calming scent. A few tears trickle down my face.

"Hey baby. Why are you sad?" He questions, moving my face to look at me. "I'm not sad. I'm so happy. Happy that we are together again, happy that we are both ok and happy because I missed you so much." I say to him. "I missed you too and I am never letting go of you for a long time." He says, leaning down and capturing my lips in his. After a while I pull back. "Just a question, what was the loud crash that I heard?" I question. "I may or may not have fallen out of bed." He admits sheepishly.

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