Oscar Piastri & Robert Schwartsman - Childhood friends (Request)

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Hi this was a request. I really hope you like it 😌

I walk to the paddock gates between my two best friends. "I bet I'm going to beat you today." Robert says with a laugh. "Yeah whatever mate." Oscar laughs back. "You both are going to do very well. Especially when I'm leading." I say with a smile and the boys look at me. "Sure y/n, whatever you say." Robert says, not believing me at all. We say goodbye as Robert splits off to his team as Oscar and I make our way over to the Prema team.

The three of us met during a karting race many years ago and we have been inseparable ever since. Working our way up the ranks. Now we are all in Formula 2 together. I have had a major crush on Oscar for years but he has recently been talking about some girl he has been seeing and who is now his girlfriend, which means I've been trying to keep my distance. Hopefully my feelings for him will be easier to manage.

We split off, working with our teams and preparing for the main race of the weekend, the feature race. After I qualified 5th with Oscar 3rd and Robert in 7th we were kind of evenly spread throughout the top 10.

I pull up to the 5th grid slot, completing the formation lap. My eyes on the lights up ahead, flickering on. As soon as they go out, I'm in first gear speeding down the Baku straight. Going on the outside of turn one, just missing the barrier and pushing past into 4th place.


The second last lap of the sprint race comes quickly and I find myself in third, Robert on my tail and Oscar ahead in First. Juri Vips sitting in second. I get a good slipstream on him and shoot past him on the straight taking second place. Making my way around the circuit one more time, seeing Robert in my wing mirrors again.


Parking behind the p2 spot feels amazing since it's my first podium in F2. My highest finish previously has only been 5th place. I jump out the car and make my way to my team, a huge smile on my face. I give them all hugs and high fives before tuning back to my friends. "Yes guys. Well done to you both, what a race!" I say to them. "Yes! This is amazing. And your first podium in F2. I'm so proud of you." Robert says. I see what looks like love flash through his eyes but I ignore it. "Thank you. I'm so happy. I'm on the podium with my two best friends." I say with a smile.

We make our way to the podium. First Robert, then me, then Oscar. After the anthems we celebrate, dumping all the champagne on each other, laughing at the sight of each other.

Oscar is the first to leave the podium followed by Me and then Robert. I walk out the building towards the cart to take us to the F2 paddock but I find Oscar talking to a girl. I'm guessing it's his new girlfriend that he has been talking about. I look closer and see a girl I recognize. I over heard her talking on the phone this morning about using someone. Shock runs through my veins as I realize she is using Oscar. Using his fame and money for her own gain. How low and desperate must you be. I ignore them and walk on, pretending to not hear Oscar call after me.

I sit in silence all the way back to the F2 paddock. I make my way in, trophy in one hand and empty champagne bottle in the other. I walk towards the prema team as my elbow is caught. Spinning me around. "What's wrong?" Oscar asks, concerned.

"Nothing." I say, shrugging it off. "No. I know you. There is something wrong. Please tell me, then I can help." He says. I sigh, debating if I should tell him or not. I put my trophy and champagne bottle down before turning to him. "I don't like your girlfriend." I say and he looks shocked. "Why?" He shoots back. "She's an amazing girl. Amazing." He continues. "She's using you, Oscar." I almost yell back, trying to get my point across. "Oh yeah sure." He says back. "That's not you being jealous." He says. Robert walks up behind Oscar, wanting to see what all the fuss was about.

"Ok fine maybe I'm a little jealous but that doesn't mean I didn't over hear her earlier saying about how she is using you for fame and money." I say and his face falls. "You're serious?" He asks. "Of course. Why would I lie to you." I say. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Why do you care anyways?" He asks. "Are you blind? Oscar, I have been in love with you for the last two years."I say which makes Oscar stop. He looks at me. In the corner of my eye I swear I see hurt flash across Roberts face, disappearing quickly. "Really?" Oscar asks.

"Yes! God I thought you would notice. I was going to tell you but then you started telling me about this girl and you were so happy and I didn't want to ruin it." I say looking down, tears forming in my eyes. Oscar says nothing.

"You know what, forget I said anything." I say, turning around to return to the Prema team. A hand wraps around my waist, turning me around and I am met with a pair of lips agains mine. I kiss back, realizing it's Oscar. We pull away after a short while. "The only reason I was interested in her was to try and get over my feelings for you." Oscar says, leaning his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes. "Really?" I ask, searching for a hint of a lie in his eyes.

"Yes, really. You are so beautiful. The room lights up when you walk into the room. I can never take my eyes off you." He says to me. "You have a girlfriend." I remember, pushing myself out of his arms. "Not anymore. Unless you would like to fill the position." He smiles at me. "Take me on a date first, Piastri. Then I will consider your offer." I smile and kiss his check before picking up my trophy and moving to the Prema garage. Even though we both already know my answer.

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