Marge Dursley x Reader (Request)

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Request for Rugratsfan101

Being friends with Marge was not easy sometimes, especially when we have a difference of opinions. Today though we had a great day relaxing before sitting down to a lovely dinner. Finishing the meal we tidied up and headed through to the living room where we stuck the tv on for background noise while we talked.

"Honestly, the boy was a scruff Y/N! You should have seen his hair!" She scoffed out and I chuckled.

"Honestly Marge, leave the boy alone! He's been through enough in his life, he doesn't need you going on about your hair." I scolded playfully.

"I know but I can't get over how unruly it is!" She said with a small burp. "Oh, excuse me."

We continued talking for a whileonly pausing as we continuously burped which soon turned into some weird competition between the two of us. This continued on until I couldn't go on anymore.

"Okay, I surrender. You win." I tell her as I sit back in my seat with a slight chuckle. "Good lord, what are we like?"

"I know but you have to admit that it was kind of fun." She said as she relaxed in her chair and I nodded in agreement before checking the time.

"Good heavens is that the time? I really should head home and get things ready for work tomorrow." I told her as I get up to leave and she follows me to the front door. "I'll call you during the week and we can hopefully meet up for lunch again soon."

"That sounds good to me Y/N. Have a good night and I’ll speak to you soon." She said and we parted with a hug as I leave and walk home.

A/N: Sorry that its so short but I hope you still like it.

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