Sybill Trelawney x Reader

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Requested by Viv_JustHereToRead

Sitting in Sybill's quarters while she's in class I close my eyes as I sip from my tea happily and relax back into the sofa as I wait for her class to end so that I can surprise her. Today's the first time I've been able to get back to Hogwarts from the ministry at a reasonable time and I wanted to suprise the woman I love with the fact that she has me to herself for the next week. Hearing the bell ring to signal the end of class I know that it'll take her about five minutes to tidy up the class and slowly get up from the sofa and walk towards the door only to stop when I hear her talking to someone. Recognising the voice as Dolores Umbridge I straighten by back and walk out of my wife's quarters making both women look at me with varying levels of shock on their faces as I walk towards them both.

"Is there a problem here Dolores? I was under the impression that you were here to teach not interrogate the staff and try to remove them from the premises." I say with a stoney face and she gulps slightly as she tries to say something but I hold my hand up to stop her making her scowl at me. "Drop the scowl Dolores, you're causing the ministry a lot of trouble right now and you're pissing a lot of people, including the minister himself, off. We only allowed you to come here and teach under the agreement that you actually teach the children what they need to know which judging from the copies of the textbooks they are using in your class that are sat on my desk you are not. Now I'm not here in official duties right now so this is merely a warning but if you try and remove anyone from these premises without the correct authorities permission then I will be reporting directly to Cornelius."

"You have no-" She starts to argue but I silence her with a silent silencio making her glare at me. Sending a patronus to the minister to update him on the situation it's no suprise when he comes through the floo with a glare.

"I thought that I told you to spend the next week relaxing with Sybill?" He asks as he motions to Dolores and I chuckle at that.

"I was just about to start when I heard this little toad try to remove my wife from her job and her home. Now we have spoken at length about the quills and the books and her stupid rules which absolutely no one will follow other than those little lackeys of hers which I'm pretty sure are under the imperius Fudge. This though? This is pushing her luck and she refuses to listen to me even though I rank above her in the ministry." I tell him and he groans as he glares at Dolores. "Now, unfortunately I don't have the power to remove her from these premises myself. You are the only one that can actually do that but I can officially file the torture charges against her and if you should remove her from the premises today her access will be removed from the wards and I will take her place in teaching DADA. The decision is yours." I say and he knows that I'm deadly serious as he nods in agreement.

"The DMLE are already on alert for when I get her back to the ministry and I've already arragned for those books to be destroyed and replaced with new ones from the ministry budget that you can teach from. Her things have already been removed from her office and quarters by the elves who seem rather happy to see her go." He says and I nod in return making him chuckle before he drags a glaring Dolores to the floo and flooes her back to the ministry. Turning to face my wife I laugh when she jumps on me and hold her tight to me as she kisses me passionately.

"Hi." She says when she breaks the kiss for air and I slowly put her down but she doesn't let go of me and I'm quite happpy to hold her close to me. Chuckling as our heads rest together I flick her classroom door shut as I sense Albus approaching making her laugh as she pulls back and drags me to her quarters where she kisses me again. "You're here. You're actually here and you're going to be staying here."

"It was meant to be a surprise but that little toad had to be dealt with darling." I tell her and she just grins at me as she pulls me impossibly closer to her happily. "No one tries to remove my wife from her job and home like that, especially not a criminal like her." I say as she pulls me over to the sofa which we fall onto happily.

"Oh it's definitely a surprise my love, a most welcome one at that. You have no idea how much I've missed you over the last few months." She says as she pulls my hair out of the tight plaited bun it's in and I close my eyes with a smile as she runs her hand through my hair making me relax back into her chest as she shifts so that I'm laying between her legs as she plays with my hair.

"I know darling and I'm sorry that I've not been able to get home as much as I wanted to. I've had my hands full trying to do damage control regarding the toad being here and working on a revised curriculum to have at hand for when we brought someone in to replace Dolores which I'm so bloody glad about now. On top of that I've spent the last month working late into the night with Amelia trying to arrange for Dolores to be arrested after we got about a hundred letters from parents and students about the use of blood quills. I swear I love the woman, we've been friends since we shares an apartment in the hufflepuff dorms but she's such a bloody stickler for rules sometimes." I tell her quietly and hum as she starts massaging my scalp lightly. "I'm going to fall asleep if you keep doing that Sybill." I say as I relax into her more and chuckle when I feel a blanket being draped over me.

"Good, get some sleep my love and you can talk to Albus after dinner love. You haven't been getting enough sleep over the last few months and I don't want you getting sick." She says and I go to argue but she brings one of her hands down to slap my arm playfully. "I don't have any classes for the rest of the day so I can wake you up in plenty of time for dinner love." She tells me softly as she continues to stroke my hair and I nod with a yawn making her chuckle as she kisses the top of my hair. That's the last thing that I feel before I fall asleep surronded by my wife's comfort and the smell of her perfume.

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